Its a Really good Scenario Ponyace ... We've just been waiting for the right time to rerun it.
most likely we will adjust the planeset, ships and Bribe Mother nature into some Cool weather effects...
Re-reading the rules and I can see all sorts of odd, but interesting to me missions:
- The emulated sub-duty deep water spawn
- Flying long range land based recon
- Being a Task Group commander not in charge of air operations
If I was forced to fly an attack aircraft I would opt for the dive bombers...
But the strange stuff sounds great...especially slinking around in the ocean invisible to the enemy and shadowing a carrier group reporting its location, speed, heading and aircraft activity around it...
Running one of the carrier groups...also sounds great...while I drink beer in a 5 inch gun and let you fighter types do the dirty work...

To bad we can't crank up the winds to like 25 Knots from 0 to 20 feet and throw in some white caps and wave action...
Ready for submerged ship duty....When do we start?
By the way....does anyone have the old map sets and spawn points from the first run?