Ciao Gatt
my point is this: the plane could carry them from a technical point of view. How in RL the plane was used and in what circumstances should be of no interest for AH.
Given the situation in 1943 it's probably true that only RF versions carried them, but probably simply because the normal autonomy of the C.205 was enough for the fights it faced. If that should be the reason for the lack of DTs for the C.205 in AH, it would be only fair to ask for low octane fuel for the N1K or late war German planes..
Same goes for the bombs, whether C.205s were used in RL as fighter bombers or not is pretty much irrelevant, the plane could carry 320 Kgs of bombs and that should be modeled in AH.
BTW, the 3 RF versions of the C.205 where:
-short range (500km)
2x 12,7mm and 2x 7.7mm, camera in place of fuel tank behind cockpit
-medium range (760 or 920km)
2x 12,7mm and 2x 7.7mm, camera in place of fuel tank behind cockpit, 2 wing mounted fuel tanks (100 or 150 lt)
-long range (920km or 1080km)
2x 20mm, camera in place of fuel tank behind cockpit, 1 180lt fuel tank in place of the 2 12,7mm MG, 2 wing mounted fuel tanks (100 or 150 lt)