another question, if it even has any part of the overall picture ? would be how much does a prop planes ability to generate the most thrust it can muster the slower it gets plays into the scheme of things when talking "Zoom ability"?
The variation of thrust with velocity is a big reason thrust is a significant factor in zoom climb performance. As you probably know one basic equation for thrust is:
Thrust = Engine BHP * propeller_efficiency / Velocity
Looks simple but there's a lot going on even with this equation. First thrust is a function of airspeed. Thrust INCREASES as airpseed DECREASES.
Second thrust is also a function of propeller efficiency. Propeller efficiency is a non-linear curve. It is a function of propeller and blade geometry and also varies with airspeed. In my basic model I've used a generalized prop efficiency equation. For our purposes propeller efficiency varies directly with airspeed (increases or decreases with increasing or decreasing airpseed).
So how does all this play out in a zoom climb? As speed decreases, thrust overall increases. We can see this in our acceleration component breakdown graph.

The acceleration-due-to-thrust curves (solid lines) are nothing more than thrust divided by mass (thrust/mass) and is representative of the thrust curves. As you can see thrust increases over the time history because in our zoom climb we are decreasing in speed. As we get slower and slower, thrust's contribution grows. Of course it's hard to visualize what this means in terms of aircraft energy by isolating thrust like this. That's where the P
S graph comes into play because it gives us a combination view of how thrust, drag, weight, and airspeed interact.

So from my basic model the answer to your question is embedded because we've factored in thrust variation with airspeed and propeller efficiency.
One caveat I should point out here: engine BHP also varies with altitude as well because of variation in air density. Super-charging and turbo-charging play a role in engine BHP output and it's variation with various gearing etc. I assume constant engine BHP in my basic model vs. trying to model engine power output variation with altitude.
Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs