Author Topic: Stop dropping FHs....  (Read 19418 times)

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #45 on: August 10, 2009, 12:52:10 PM »
Again on the flip side..... large hordes mean thin lines elsewhere.

It can get boring in either area. It's what happens in between that makes the game.
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Offline Yenny

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #46 on: August 10, 2009, 01:28:30 PM »
I know a lot of AH players are kinda forced to be bomber pilot, especially after the new expansion. I had a few conversation with a few bomber pilots. They love the dog fight, however their computer just can't handle it. When they fly close to the ground in a fighter, or looking at an air field, their frame rate is like 4-10 per sec, which is almost impossible to fly. Which forced some of them to fly bomber, because the altitude lessen the graphic demand on the weak computer.

A lot of folks just don't have a good enough comp to handle it =/
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Offline Sunka

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #47 on: August 10, 2009, 01:51:57 PM »
I know a lot of AH players are kinda forced to be bomber pilot, especially after the new expansion. I had a few conversation with a few bomber pilots. They love the dog fight, however their computer just can't handle it. When they fly close to the ground in a fighter, or looking at an air field, their frame rate is like 4-10 per sec, which is almost impossible to fly. Which forced some of them to fly bomber, because the altitude lessen the graphic demand on the weak computer.

A lot of folks just don't have a good enough comp to handle it =/
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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #48 on: August 10, 2009, 01:58:28 PM »
I know a lot of AH players are kinda forced to be bomber pilot, especially after the new expansion. I had a few conversation with a few bomber pilots. They love the dog fight, however their computer just can't handle it. When they fly close to the ground in a fighter, or looking at an air field, their frame rate is like 4-10 per sec, which is almost impossible to fly. Which forced some of them to fly bomber, because the altitude lessen the graphic demand on the weak computer.

A lot of folks just don't have a good enough comp to handle it =/

i was forced to either drive gv's or bomb...when my toe was infected, as i wasn't able to use my rudders.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline John Curnutte

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #49 on: August 10, 2009, 02:14:41 PM »
 I've got to say I enjoy base taking and I enjoy being on defense also , the big furball is a blast , and a good tank fight is a riot to me . For my 15.00 bucks I like it all . I'd rather take a base with hangers and ords up then you can use it . On defense bomb all around you and close them down to buy time . But heck if a good furball is a raging on I'll get knee deep in it and roll . This game has many facets and ways to play it . I just enjoy it , if someone ruins it , I can go to other areas or arenas no big deal .
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Offline xOLLYx

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #50 on: August 10, 2009, 02:53:06 PM »
Aces High Gameplay

Capturing territory through the use of air, land and sea power is the objective in Aces High II(it says so main page game info/help/playing the game)
so if you want to Furball goto DA cos if it means hitting FHS cos furballers are to busy score whoring(dont know why there no money to win)
that the 1 la7 shooting the goon down or the last troop entering the maproom i say bomb the FHs :x :x :x

Offline dkff49

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #51 on: August 10, 2009, 02:57:54 PM »
The only time I consider dropping hangers is after the furball has made to our field and now their guys decide that vulching is the most fun thing to do now.

Mostly I do this as a stress relief as it ticks me off to have such a fun fight ruined by a bunch of ganging vulchers. Now this may not be the right thing to do and many of you may not agree with it but it is does put a smile on my face doing it and most times I end up fighting a few guys while trying to return anyway. Most times in these circumstances the hangers are back up by the time the vulch fest as been busted anyway and will even help by keeping those that are shot down from returning too fast, thus allowing the fight to push back a little closer to the enemy field.
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Offline Enker

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #52 on: August 10, 2009, 02:58:20 PM »
Aces High Gameplay

Capturing territory through the use of air, land and sea power is the objective in Aces High II(it says so main page game info/help/playing the game)
so if you want to Furball goto DA cos if it means hitting FHS cos furballers are to busy score whoring(dont know why there no money to win)
that the 1 la7 shooting the goon down or the last troop entering the maproom i say bomb the FHs :x :x :x
We are score potatos? Shirley, you must be jesting.
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Offline Getback

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #53 on: August 10, 2009, 03:00:12 PM »
I will say, you know how hard it is to get an answer from anyone on country?

Many's the times I've been up heavy in a Hog approaching a base...

Saxman: IB Heavy, A53. What needs to be hit?
Tweedle Dee: Another Spit rolling, MINEMINEMINEMINE!
Tweedle Dum: D00d, you stole my kill!
Saxman: IB Heavy, A53. What needs to be hit?
Tweedle Too: Nice vulch!
Saxman: Can I get a Sit Rep A53? I have ords IB, where do you need them?
Tweedle Dum: High Typhie IB.
Tweedle Dee: Damn picktard!
Saxman: REPEAT: IB Heavy, A53. What needs to be hit?

 :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl Been there way too many times.

Isn't it the Base stealers that are suppose to complain?

I was on when this happened. My first thought was hangers down for 15 minutes, so what. People enjoy bombing just like they enjoy gv'ing or fighters.

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Offline Crash Orange

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #54 on: August 10, 2009, 03:09:20 PM »
When the "Win teh warrrr" types get pissed that no one is helping with the real estate business they find the biggest furball and toolshed the hangers in hopes of garnering "help" from the furball types.


95% of the time our squad leaves big furballs alone because they keep the hordes busy. When you've got six or eight or even ten guys trying to take a base, why attack a place with 50 defenders already up?

But if you happen to be having your furball at the last enemy base left on a continent or in that region of the map, and we're hoping to annihilate that foothold and return combat to the regular front, or at one of the choke points that abound on the Trinity map, yes, we're going to bomb the hangars and try to take the base.

But for my opinion (not that it's worth anything)  If you bomb Hangers at a base where there is/has been a furball for any length of time, town is full up, nobody is calling for ords/troops/help

It makes no sense whatsoever to bomb the town first and then the hangars. You suppress the enemy and *then* secure your objectives - that's just basic tactics in any game. What you're suggesting is like telling a pitcher to throw slow, easy pitches because base hits are more fun for everyone, or tennis players agreeing to hit easy serves so as to get rallies going more often. You can play that way if you like, but don't ask me to. You throw your best pitch or take your best shot and if the other side whiffs it's their fault. Sportsmanship does not demand willful incompetence.

Of course, another amusing fact I see the furballers fail to note is that the "furball" often consists of 20 guys killing the VH (only) and ack and then flying over the runway end-to-end and back, vulching anything that moves, and 20 enemies too dim-witted to understand that upping at that field is a bad idea no matter what their objective is. Sometimes there are also 3 or 4 U-2 wannabes soaring around at 30k looking for the perfect cherry. Being accused of unsporting play by those folks is hilarious. It's like a guy who was trying to vulch you on takeoff whining because he was incompetent enough to let you turn into his attack and HO him, or a guy in a Dora calling you a Spit dweeb because he was dumb enough to get lured into a turn fight.

but you come bomb the hangers for the sole purpose of trying to spoil the fight, then you are a Toolshedder.

I don't know anyone who goes around bombing hangars to spoil others' fun. However, I know several who might give others that reason after the fact just to annoy them more if they whine like little kids whose lollipops are taken away.

Bottom line for all these complaints about alleged toolshedding, MEGA squads, base-taking, war-winning, etc. is this: even the smallest maps have 50+ bases and hundreds of hangars. The bigger ones have more than a thousand hangars. There's no way any one squad, or for that matter any 10 squads, can conceivably shut even 10% of those down at any given time, even just the ones near the front, not with them popping after 15 minutes. There is *always* somewhere to furball if people from both sides want to, and no way for anyone to prevent that even if they wanted to. If it dies down in one place it's bound to pop up again a field or two over.

I wasn't on last night but Saturday afternoon and night I recall seeing a huge bish-nit furball at, IIRC, 141-250 that lasted at least 12 hours without anyone shutting either field down. Have at it if that's what you like to do. You might even find some of us joining in and mixing it up sometimes.

Offline Yossarian

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #55 on: August 10, 2009, 03:09:50 PM »
no reason to do it you tools, we dont want the perks from winning the war, we get them by killing your spit 16s and n1ks in 20+ eny birds. STOP THE TOOLSHEDDING!!!!! :furious

Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
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Offline AApache

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #56 on: August 10, 2009, 03:11:20 PM »
Spot 0N SaxMan
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Offline Soulyss

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #57 on: August 10, 2009, 03:22:19 PM »
Aces High Gameplay

Capturing territory through the use of air, land and sea power is the objective in Aces High II(it says so main page game info/help/playing the game)
so if you want to Furball goto DA cos if it means hitting FHS cos furballers are to busy score whoring(dont know why there no money to win)
that the 1 la7 shooting the goon down or the last troop entering the maproom i say bomb the FHs :x :x :x

This is an utterly narrow minded, mioptic view of the game.  The game is meant to cater to different gameplay styles and tastes, not one to the exclusion of all others.
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Offline Yossarian

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #58 on: August 10, 2009, 03:38:21 PM »
This is an utterly narrow minded, mioptic view of the game.  The game is meant to cater to different gameplay styles and tastes, not one to the exclusion of all others.

I honestly wish most of the morons who play this game would realise that....
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
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Offline Vudak

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Re: Stop dropping FHs....
« Reply #59 on: August 10, 2009, 04:06:02 PM »

It makes no sense whatsoever to bomb the town first and then the hangars. You suppress the enemy and *then* secure your objectives - that's just basic tactics in any game.

You are looking at suppression in a very microscopic light.  Instead refer to the maxim "Divide and Conquer."  You want to isolate the base--not make it a beacon for reinforcements.

Destroy the FHs from reinforcing bases, not the one you wish to take (and then presumably use as a launch pad for future operations).  When you destroy the FHs at your target base, it forces every enemy fighter to launch from further away, and gain altitude and energy.  Since fights naturally progress towards the deck, your attacker's energy will be spent by the time reinforcements arrive.

If the VH and ack are destroyed, there is no way any threat is upping from the base in question.  Base captures don't (or really, really shouldn't) fail because of the "sole La7 that ups" but because attrition works against the attacker, and that attrition is multiplied by losses to GV's, ack, and higher enemy reinforcements.

Further, speed is vital, and at the end of the day what that translates to is how quickly the town is taken down.  Every bombing pass spent on something else kills speed.

As an aside, it would help if base-taking players took a more keen interest in their personal development in dogfighting, as a key reason many plans don't work is because 4-5 fighters invariably try to simultaneously tackle the same enemy con. 
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