Author Topic: Historical Accuracy  (Read 1542 times)

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2009, 01:41:37 PM »
Sure they "recreate the war". In snap shots and special events they do a grand job of it.

And I cant help but wonder how so many of these so called "purists" ever bother to participate or even throw a thanks to the guys who spend so much time putting them together.

For the most part they want "Historical purity" after something has shot them down that they dont deem to be "pure". :D

Honestly I dont think you can run the game any better then it is being ran.
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline cegull

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2009, 09:11:20 PM »
Realism is ok by me.  However, it seems that here and in other online sims the ww2 arenas are not popular when main arenas are available.  I think maybe the newer generation of players is not interested in strategy and tactics applied to WW2 historical situations.  My nephews for example, don't even know where WW2 took place let alone strategies employed by the various forces.    The main arena looses the sense of adventure pretty fast for me-hence I'm not playing at the present.  Might be an interesting experiment to shut down the main for a while to see what would happen-hehe.  Strategy and tactics in gaining historical ground versus the kill ladder.  Looks like the kill ladder folks win the day.  Krusty makes a good point.  AH has the tools and I also would like to seem them simulated as accurately as possible-like realistic armor damage etc. but its up to the players to try different scenarios.

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2009, 02:44:42 AM »
Axis vs allies is a nooption with pigs like the the 190A8.

IRL fw190A8's where close or better than  A5s in most aspects and  it was faster, and the pilots thought they where much better the the A5:s ( resource : jg26 war diaries volume 2)

My ammo last for 6 Lancasters, or one Yak3.
"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."

Offline Bodhi

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2009, 08:20:07 AM »
This game does not re-create the war. It re-creates the tools of the war. Some more realistically than others.

I'm all for getting the TOOLS accurate. Then how folks use them in creating new battles/wars is the fun part.

Ya know something Krusty, for a kid, you sure are an amazing wealth of knowledge.  I know of maybe three people worldwide that could likely tell you what it is like to fly 50% of the aircraft in this game.  You on the other hand are an expert at that and beyond. 

Absolutely amazing.
I regret doing business with TD Computer Systems.

Offline Plazus

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2009, 08:36:47 AM »

Kudos to your thoughts!  :aok

My only speculation is that there are a good handful of people in AH that have ZERO patience of waiting around in the tower and runway. Secondly, after all that waiting, the idea of being outnumbered 10:1 would most likely scare away these guys; or motivate them to join the Allies. More than likely, the Axis would be picked off one by one without Axis having any fair advantage. Some people play just for fun and instant action, rather than immersing theirselves in the history.

My take on this is: Why not have just two sides? One Axis and one Allies. Make it LW settings, with all planes available to that specific side. This time around, you have all Axis fighting Allies and vice versa. I think this would be one step closer to "historical" accuracy.

Get rid of the AvA arena. Ive played in there but there are just too few people in that arena. That arena is not getting used like it should.
80th FS "Headhunters"

Axis vs Allies

Offline fudgums

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2009, 09:01:42 AM »
LWO- Western Europe 1939-1945
LWB- Pacific Theater 1940-1945(Including Rangoon)
MW- Eastern Europe 1939-1945
EW- Tunisia Italy Malta Tobruk

Map and Plane set changes on the day.

Just thinking out loud
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Offline A8HatTrick

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2009, 09:33:42 AM »
Heck, 4 Arenas:

1. Africa
2. Europe West
3. Europe East
4. Pacific

1st Week of the month: 1939-1940
2nd Week of the month: 1940-1941
3rd Week of the month: 1941-1942
4th Week of the month: 1943-1944
5th Week of the month: 1944-1945

Rolling Plane Sets

Toss ENY out the window

Slide in K/D Ratio and Bomber %'s for rank

Limit availability of aircraft and vehicles on a ratio basis based on rank.

Some people will simply be flying the old stuff till the end and will have to earn that right to fly the new machines

and HTC can ship a trunk monkey with every new sign up, who can come live at your house and hit you over the head with a baseball bat everytime you get shot down.

A8HatTrick flying WWII sims since 1992
Aces and 8's A8's aka A8hatrik
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No 308(Polish)Squadron RAF "City of Cracow"  "Yo fdski!"

Offline hitech

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2009, 09:38:08 AM »

Get rid of the AvA arena. Ive played in there but there are just too few people in that arena. That arena is not getting used like it should.

This sums it up all  in one sentence. But the poster does not see the cause and effect.


Offline stodd

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2009, 09:47:13 AM »
Limit availability of aircraft and vehicles on a ratio basis based on rank.
:lol :lol
Stodd/ CandyMan
I don't get why you even typed that, you know it's stupid.

Offline Tilt

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2009, 09:47:41 AM »
Actually i do not have sympathy with the basis of Lusches view.

It is a game. It cannot model the exatitude of war. It cannot recreate a history where one side lost and another won with an identical model of the historical forces in place. It cannot recreate the myriad of influences that were contributing in such a history.

As a game however it has a game model. These are checks and balances to even out the balance of play or even make such inbalances as may occure logical to the player. (if you are mobbed 20 v 1 chances are you should lose) The game model is targetted to lead to an entertaining experience but one that rewards skill, team play and tactically superior game play.

Its also a form of role play. It is based upon air combat (and now also ground combat) pilot/driver operated  interaction using WWII aircraft/vehicles and providing the player with ACM/GCM problems as may have been experienced but only focussing on the fun bits. Ie condensing it down to a contest of skill that carries reward with success but no great penalty with failure.

So my view would be that what was good ACM/GCM in WWII should be good in AH. What was poor or silly ACM/GCM in WWII should not gain  reward in AH.

Further if there are any factors of inbalance apparent in game play or the gaming model then we should look to such balancing factors that occurred in history before we manufacture arbitary control devices/rules that seem out of place in the role play environment. Provided of course that no solution becomes tedious or removes fun.

In essence my view is that in any game play correction the first consideration toward a solution would be to consider what was in place in WWII that could be used to adjust game play balance toward the desired outcome before setting up arbitary "work arounds".

The present war model is somewhat old but well proven from AW thru to AH2. It develops IMO at a pace which an organisation like HTC can provide whilst ensuring that no massively retrograde steps are taken. HTC will be well aware of how easy a small inappropriate change can wreak disaster.
Ludere Vincere

Offline A8HatTrick

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2009, 10:15:13 AM »
:lol :lol

glad someone caught the tongue n cheek of my post
A8HatTrick flying WWII sims since 1992
Aces and 8's A8's aka A8hatrik
-htrk- War Birds Beta .07 thru 2.1
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Offline moot

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2009, 10:15:33 AM »
So my view would be that what was good ACM/GCM in WWII should be good in AH. What was poor or silly ACM/GCM in WWII should not gain  reward in AH.
WWII was a war, not a game.  The objective was killing and winning uncompromisingly, not fun.  Reward in AH is fun.  ACM/GCM thus follow, and skill/teamwork/tactical superiority aren't discouraged at all... In fact they're begging to be used.  But aren't.  There's very little winging, a huge waste of resources that would never ever be allowed in a real war, etc.

As far as tickling the authentic historical senses, it can't happen in the MA.  And AH needs an arena like the MA.  CT was and is what AH needs.

My 2c after 10 years of playing.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 10:17:52 AM by moot »
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline Lusche

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2009, 10:15:56 AM »
Actually i do not have sympathy with the basis of Lusches view.


Care to explain where my and your views differ on that matter?
Steam: DrKalv
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Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2009, 10:17:35 AM »
What I like about the current state of the game is that there is something for everyone. The arenas, the aircraft/GVs, the plane sets...ect. It seems that no matter what you want to do there is somewheres to do it.

I'd like to see more Historically correct missions, and more Historical correctness, but I just dont see how you can create a bunch of rules to enforce it while keeping everyone happy. Its not like I expect anyone else to have my wishes for the game. You cant enforce historical correctness with rules if the very rules turned off a large slice of the player base. And it would.

Cause a large slice of your player base wants to simply furball in whatever airplane they want at the moment. Start telling them what they have to fly, and what they have to do, and what year they have to do it in, and your going to have a whole bunch of people looking for another flight sim.
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline A8HatTrick

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Re: Historical Accuracy
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2009, 10:26:53 AM »
Rich, got a solution for those folks.

Instant Action Arena

Small, very small map, no points and no rank, just perk points.

All planes available, tank town and 2 GV bases and 2 Airfields each. Uncapturable fields. Wallah, furball heaven.

Heck, 4 Arenas:

1. Africa
2. Europe West
3. Europe East
4. Pacific

1st Week of the month: 1939-1940
2nd Week of the month: 1940-1941
3rd Week of the month: 1941-1942
4th Week of the month: 1943-1944
5th Week of the month: 1944-1945

Rolling Plane Sets

Toss ENY out the window

Slide in K/D Ratio and Bomber %'s for rank

Limit availability of aircraft and vehicles on a ratio basis based on rank.

Some people will simply be flying the old stuff till the end and will have to earn that right to fly the new machines

and HTC can ship a trunk monkey with every new sign up, who can come live at your house and hit you over the head with a baseball bat everytime you get shot down.

Now if we could only get it on Xbox for the kiddies
A8HatTrick flying WWII sims since 1992
Aces and 8's A8's aka A8hatrik
-htrk- War Birds Beta .07 thru 2.1
-=Old Farts=- War Birds "Yo Frodo!"
No 308(Polish)Squadron RAF "City of Cracow"  "Yo fdski!"