Anax you've got the OP with an undefendably rude rant that offers only vague unrealistic suggestions.. Then a couple of people stick up for the OP, saying that his rant is the same thing as what everyone usually rants about but merely more rude, and/or a valid point since "HTC is responsible for gameplay". As far as I see, neither points are correct.
The first is wrong because the usual rants are players correctly (IMO) pointing at other players for playing a certain way (not gonna argue that one, but that's what it is - players are the major drivers of gameplay, not HTC), and so is the second because HTC isn't responsible for what players do. You can't blame HTC for misusing or abusing the sandbox they've built (not when the mis/abuses aren't even defined, and could be minor - no way to quantify since not defined), and you can't realistically force players into narrow channels of gameplay and expect them to have fun with such restrictions (or no one has successfully suggested a way to do it yet).
And the F6 restriction to "realistic" angles, or bombs flying thru the compartment roof if salvo'd while pushing neg-Gs, etc, aren't what the OP was on about. But since he was real vague, I guess he could no say that's what he meant. Either way, the graphics had to be updated. Ordnance disappearing with the next sortie's start and a number of other things I can't recall right now were, in fact, added to the game. So it'd stand to reason that there's a good reason to not implement others as simple as these, like the F6 drop restriction, etc.