Why not just roll left until you've rolled yourself over 270 degrees. Rolls a lot quicker under 100mph and sometimes tricks the guy following ya.
Sneaky sneaky.
This is something hardly ever mentioned.
In a flat turn one circle fight where the bandit is behind your 3-9 line it is faster to reverse direction by pulling NOSE DOWN canopy and rolling. Typically we reverse canopy up. As in flying in a right hand turn, now you break hard the opposite direction. Normally you roll the plane left canopy up and pull to make the 180 deg turn. However, you reverse just as well if you do the very same thing but roll the canopy inverted and pull the turn. You doing the same thing. The first way you fight gravity. The second way you get a gravity assist.
Now, consider what is actually happening in a "tork roll". The pure verticle variant actually inverts your plane and swings the nose around to guns. This is the same thing as doing it in a flat turn except your not going for guns your going for an angle that closes to guns.
As for rolling right in a 109..no problem.
The trick is to stall the low wing by yawing the nose with hard right rudder and pulling back on the stick. The plane will snap over to the right. You only want to snap it partially. Enough to get the plane pointed off the right. Then roll in. You can actually do this with a full snap but its tricky.
The second way is to use the throttle. You really need to think ahead. Get your wep on a second or 2 before you maneuver. To turn you slam the throttle off, full right rudder, roll right and push the nose forward a bit.
When max tork is on the plane, immediatly cutting power jerks the plane to the right, You want to time this with your rudder and roll.
Also when your going verticle with wep on and you have to turn to the right start to roll to the right verrrry slighty and corret with opposite rudder. Kind of getting on the starting line for the start. If you already have the controls prepped and ready as soon as the bandit wings over the the right you can execute your right wingover almost at the same time.
Finally, when I am very very slow like approaching slow speed stall at less than 80 mph in rolling scissors I always reverse direction canopy down. I can roll my plane over inverted (via a tork roll or snap roll) but sometimes you can not roll your plane canopy up without going into a tail slide. You will be surprised how low to the ground you can be and still reverse canopy down. If you can tight barrel roll all the way down the runway 100 feet you can do it canopy down.
Now, if you have read this far I have little secret for you. Your gonna like this. Fly level at about 300 mph. Wep on. Pull the plane up to about a 75 degree climb....or almost strait up but not quite. Hit the SHIFT+X keys for "auto angle". let go of the stick. Let the plane climb until it power on stalls. Dont touch anything. After the plane begins to roll and stall ....DONT TOUCH ANYTHING....just keep watching....hehehehehe...repo
rt back your findings. You will be surprised. Keep an eye on your gauges too (alt and speed)