Author Topic: Air Warrior Pilot Reunion - Indianapolis, IN Summer of 2010  (Read 808 times)

Offline jordi

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Air Warrior Pilot Reunion - Indianapolis, IN Summer of 2010
« on: September 07, 2009, 11:37:54 AM »
I am trying to see how many people would be interested in coming to Indianapolis, IN during the summer of 2010 for an Air Warrior Pilot Reunion.

I hosted the 2000 AW CON and I feel that getting as many ex-AW Pilots together would be a great thing to do.

The list so far of interested AW Pilots for the reunion in 2010.

Pass this along to any other AW Pilots you know.
Mike "Jordi" Bowman - AW DAMNED Squadron

scott 'Oopsy/-->OP/Shane  ' bailey
Dennis  'JAG 26' Barnes
Mike 'Yippee38' Bednowicz
Mike 'Jordi' Bowman
Guy 'EUdet' Carter
Paul 'asw' Cheverie
John 'MiG' Clark
Marc 'Marco' Coccio
Ken 'K-KEN' Collins
Bob 'Damned Ren' Dillon
Jason 'didn't play.   AH ID= Karaya (Karaya2 at your 2003 Con)' Dolinski
Adam '+mir' Dreilinger
Jay 'Gnatz' Duncan
Jim '' Eggleston
Kevin  'Gunns' Evans
Flyin 'Fin'E' Fin
Sylvain '6098' Gingras
Bernd '=Ben=' Hauschildt
john 'bozo2' hicks
Scott 'BME' Keefer
Jay 'Doc1' Kelley
Mark 'Chi  ' Kmiecik
Rob 'rob53' Kramer
Steve 'Mage' Lackey
Kendal 'blesk' Larson
art 'hlbly (ACCS)' lee
Marc 'Nghtmare' Liss
Michelle 'SheGotYa' Liss
Monte 'Tex AOL 968 GEnie 5883 CRIS' McWilliams
David 'Seadog' Morris
William 'Rotor' Mosqueda
Kelly 'culero' Myers
Tim 'dBeav' Nickell
Gregory 'OHIO' Paul
Jonathan  'Otter' Plaster
Mark 'Quick (Q)' Sansoucie
Ryan '`Wolf and @COMM' Scott
Rick 'burnu' Sears
Steven '+Dizy' Smith
Eric  '3577 , Thud' Spottke
Dan 'dansr' Steele
Dan 'badger8' Stojak
Dale 'Tednator' Tedford
David  'dr7' Tinney
Mark 'SF' Trefonas
wayne 'Hajo' weimer
Frank 'Gray Eagle' Williamson
Clint 'soca' Yarborough
AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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