Author Topic: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!  (Read 14225 times)

Offline swareiam

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - Krupp Steel 2009 Axis Command Staff
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2009, 11:10:35 PM »
Can't let this list of guys run amok without me! Of course, "Honey" must approve.
I am best in a bomber.

Welcome aboard HB  :aok

AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell

Offline swareiam

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - What's in a name anyway?
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2009, 02:11:27 PM »
Meine Herren,

I feel it my duty as your Komandor to ensure that you are well educated about what we are fighting for;

                                                             KRUPP STEEL

Was ist im Titel? or Translated... What's in a name?

The Krupp family, a prominent 400-year-old German dynasty from Essen, have become famous for their steel production and for their manufacture of ammunition and armaments.

Essen Germany is in the far west of Germany. Where the Krupp Steel Gesellschaft creates our fine munitions. Our battle front will be in the east near the Polish boarder. If we allow the Red invaders to cross Germany to Essen. Germany will be finished! Our great Vaterland, our families everything that we remember that was great about Deutschland will be gone.

WE MUST FIGHT! Hold the Red tide at bay. In order to accomplish this we must be prepared. Once we have formed our Panzer divisions and Jadgflieger Gruppen. You must do your duty to report to our Axis forum regularly to receive assignments, information, training, und orders of battle. Many of you are fine fighters. Help us to consolidate our team with knowledge, team werk, und good communications. Do not just be a follower. Be a leader and help to defend the Vaterland from the Red invaders.

Victoy to Deutschland!

Red Storm/Krupp Steel 2009 - Axis Forces CO
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 02:35:39 PM by swareiam »
AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell

Offline HighTone

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2009, 07:50:58 AM »
 :salute Oneway and Redtail. It is going to be a blast to fly with you guys again. The LCA will be here in force, and can't wait to do our part in the defense of the fatherland. Rock on  :salute

LCA Special Events CO     LCA ~Tainan Kokutai~      Thanks for the Oscar HTC

Offline swareiam

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2009, 08:13:40 AM »
:salute Oneway and Redtail. It is going to be a blast to fly with you guys again. The LCA will be here in force, and can't wait to do our part in the defense of the fatherland. Rock on  :salute

Herr Oberst HighTone,

We look forward to having you and the Loose Canon Alliance available to prowl across the Sky's of the Vaterland in search of Red meat for out tables  :t :lol. Vielen Dank for your support and leadership in advance.

AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell

Offline swareiam

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2009, 08:31:20 AM »
Achtung PANZER!

Bitte Meine Herren,

Genießen Sie Diese wundervoll Jahrgang Filme der deutschen Rüstung aus allen Regionen des Krieges.
Unsere schweren Panzer Bereiche und panzergrenadier Einheiten zerstört alle Rote Armee Gegensatz.
Unsere Boden Sieg wird ein großer Erfolg! 

(Translation: Gentlemen if you please, Enjoy these wonderfully vintage films of German armor from all regions of the war.
Our heavy panzer divisons and panzergrenadier units will completely destroy all Red Army opposition. Our ground victory
will be a great success!)

Victory to Deutschland!

AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell

Offline swareiam

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2009, 12:08:12 PM »
Das Eisernes Kreuz
(Translation: The Iron Cross)

Meine Herren,

Große und edle Piloten und Panzerkommandanten in Deutschland. Ich sehne mich zu hören, die Geschichten über Siege und
Erfolge auf dem Boden und der Himmel ist in ganz Deutschland. Um die Filme von Ihrer Waffe Kamera zu sehen und wie Sie
zerstört die roten Krankheit ohne Gnade. Es wird mit großem Stolz, dass ich bis heute die Piloten und die Panzerkommandanten,
die Gäste fünf oder mehr Flugzeuge oder Fahrzeuge zerstört das Eisernes Kreuz. Sie werden hier nach unserer siegreichen
Feldzug angezeigt werden. Viel Glück und Weidmannsheil!

(Translation: Gentlemen, Great and noble pilots and tank commanders of Germany. I long to hear the stories of
victories and successes on the ground and in the sky's over Germany. To see the films of your gun camera and how you
destroyed the red disease without mercy. It will be with great pride that I present to those pilots and tank commanders that
score five or more destroyed aircraft or vehicles the Iron Cross. They will be displayed here after our victorious campaign.
Best of luck and good hunting!)

Sind stolz auf die lange Liste von Deutschland unter veterens, dass vor Ihnen gegangen sind und ihnen zu folgen bis zum Sieg!
(Translation: Take pride in the long list of German flying veterens that have gone before you and follow them to victory!)

Sehen Sie dieses inspirierende Film der deutschen Panzer-Helden und folgen in ihrem Titel zum Sieg!
(Translation:View this inspiring film of German Panzer heros and follow in their tracks to victory!)

Victory to Deutschland!


Red Storm/Krupp Steerl 2009 - Axis Forces CO
« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 12:13:49 PM by swareiam »
AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell

Offline TwinTail

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2009, 07:36:15 PM »
PM Sent Redtail7
d-40 and d-11 easily out turn a spixteen
==*Top Gun*==

Offline swareiam

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2009, 06:17:29 AM »

Bitte meine Herren,

Genießen Sie die malerische Pracht, dass unser Land Deutschland ist. Halten Sie Ihr Herz und Geist zu schließen.

(Translation: Gentlemen if you please, Enjoy the scenic splendor that is our country of germany. Keep it close to your heart and mind.)

Picture of landscape near Berchtesgaden, Bavaria,  Germany - Winter   Photo by Bob Stinemantes

Picture Altmuehltal Europakanal Germany  Photo by Norbert Schmid

Picture of Fussen, Bavaria,  Germany -  Photo by Urs Hauenstein

Picture Altmuehltal Europakanal Germany  Photo by Norbert Schmid

Picture of the Castle Hohenschwangau, Bavaria,  Germany    Photo by Urs Hauenstein

Picture of Castle Neuschwanstein, Bavaria,  Germany    Photo by Urs Hauenstein

Picture Altmuehltal Germany  Photo by Norbert Schmid

Picture of Munich Germany   Photo by Urs Hauenstein

AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2009, 07:47:39 AM »
Surely you must know that you're fighting a losing battle...


Offline fudgums

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2009, 10:46:34 AM »
Pilots and tankers interested in flying or driving for the Wehrmacht. Please read this document.
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Offline K-KEN

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2009, 11:17:04 AM »
Surely you must know that you're fighting a losing battle...

(Image removed from quote.)


Would that be a photo of a Soviet City?   :O
We do not buy into your.... propaganda. I shall personally speak to the pilot who left that flag still up. I do not consider our job done there.

Offline Fencer51

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2009, 11:51:27 AM »
Surely you must know that you're fighting a losing battle...

(Image removed from quote.)


The names of the irrelevant have been changed to protect their irrelevance.
The names of the innocent and the guilty have not been changed.
As for the innocent, everyone needs to know they are innocent –
As for the guilty… they can suck it.

Offline swareiam

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2009, 02:14:26 PM »
Surely you must know that you're fighting a losing battle...

(Image removed from quote.)


Oh, well... that must be Leningrad after you reclaimed it... We'll spot you that one.
Hey, I know some really good contractors that can help you clean up. :lol
AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell

Offline swareiam

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - The time has come for battle!
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2009, 02:17:38 PM »
Would that be a photo of a Soviet City?   :O
We do not buy into your.... propaganda. I shall personally speak to the pilot who left that flag still up. I do not consider our job done there.

Nice KEN. Very nice...

AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell

Offline LLv34_Snefens

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Re: Die Zeit ist reif für Schlacht! - Krupp Steel 2009 Axis Command Staff
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2009, 01:44:48 AM »

HEELER - (OKW OberKommando der Wehrmacht) - Commander Ground Forces


Nitpicking, but it should be the OKH (OberKommando der Heeres). The OKW didn't control the ground forces on the eastern front.
Snefens, Lentolaivue 34.
Location: Aarhus, Denmark

"Luck beats skill anytime"