Hiyas Sloehand. 
Thanks for your participation in the scenario. It is no little result of your efforts as a ground commander, along with others on both sides, during Dawn of Battle helped set the stage which allowed us to continue to include a ground component in Scenarios.
It is as Brooke said...
The scenario team will be more than happy to add as many GV slots as needed to allow all those who want to participate in the scenario to do so. What we do not want to have happen is for one side of another to fill up and leave the other empty. When both sides have gotten close to their current levels, the CMs in concert with both side's Command Teams will re-evaluate the levels and increase them as necessary. So by all means tell all your friends and get them to sign up. The CMs will continue to monitor the registration and react as required by the numbers.
Great job Fencer...on the design <S>...
My two cents on the ground game...
I believe that you could generate tremendous interest in the ground aspect of Scenarios if you put the centric activity of ground and air at nearly opposite ends of the maps...and give a proportional and weighted scoring to the GV aspect of it...
In other words split the theater of operations into two zones...
In one zone we could have vehicles against vehicles, plus a punitive and restricted plane set capable of JABO, fighters with no ords, and level bombers to support strategic operations...
The other zone of the map would contain the typical mix of fighters, heavies, ground attack and of course more ground vehicles...this zone could feature the classical interceptor-defense/strat-tact play that is so common in the game..
The ground guys are a rabid bunch...they love what they do...and they take tremendous pride in doing it well...as a bomber pilot I have a weird sense of kinship with them...the fighter pilots are always stealing the thunder...meanwhile we ground/bomber guys either plod along or above and do our jobs...with little recognition...
We have to find a way in future designs to increase their participation...make it irresistible for them not to attend...we need to build them a sand box and let them make hay...while the battle rages above and beyond...carve out a corner of the map and let these guys go at it...and you will be turning away people on game day...
My two cents...
<S> to the ground guys...
Nice looking event Fencer...thanks for your hard work...