Last year I stopped a man drunk off his butt, attempting to get in his pickup and drive. I didn't know him, was just driving by in the wee hours of the morning and saw him as I passed. The dude could barely walk, much less drive. So I stopped, tried to talk him out of driving for a minute, then when he made it clear he was going to drive, I decided to pull him put of the truck. I wasn't forceful or anything, just had my hand on his arm and was trying to talk him into getting out. He leaned over toward the middle of his truck with his head down and it looked like he was gonna get sick or pass out. Actually, he was going for his hunting knife. At the angle I was standing at, I never saw it. Suddenly the guy hits me in the forehead with something that dazed me good, knocking to my knee. His door was still open and now I was ticked, so I pulled him out and pounded him a few times until I knew he was really done fighting with me. I called the cops, who got there about 5 minutes later. When they arrived, they were looking at me all wide eyed and called for an EMS. I thought it was for the drunk, who I'd thumped on pretty good. To my surprise, the EMS was for me. Turns out the guy didn't hit me in the forehead, he'd stabbed me in it. I didn't even know. I thought I'd been sweating nicely, as it was summer and my adrenaline had been pumping. Turns out I was covered in blood, not sweat. I didn't even know.
So anyway, be careful when messing with drunk strangers lol. I brought this topic up because I just compared pics from the day it happened & one I took yesterday. IMO it didn't scar too bad at all. Btw, thank you to all my squaddies who called me FrankenRanger after showing them photos on our BBS after it happened. Turds.
Day after & now: