Author Topic: Opinion On Squeekers  (Read 2305 times)

Offline TEShaw

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Re: Opinion On Squeekers
« Reply #90 on: October 27, 2009, 01:35:02 PM »
This guy is just asking for it.

Now(comma) like many people(comma) I could care less ('Could care less was some idiocy invented by army NCO's around say that 'you could care less' actually means that you care.  Where you want to go here is to say 'I couldn't care less.' )about a squeaky voice but a squeakers (possessive requires that old apostrophe) has to do with attitude. Now after a while (comma)yes (comma)
a (an)high pitch voice does start to get to you. Now this has happened to me and I am sure it has happened to many is you are at base defending then a high pitch voice belonging to a name you have never seen before begins to tell everyone there what to do and going into great depth about things everyone already knows. (By now, you are just jabbering total idiocy; no human can even comprehend this junk.)You come into the game (comma) act like you have some sense(comma) and do not act like you are gods (Can't imagine which 'god' you pray to; but, they usually enjoy the name to be capitalized) (also apostrophe, as in God's)
gift to AH or all you will get is shot down and no respect (period)

Offline stickpig

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Re: Opinion On Squeekers
« Reply #91 on: October 27, 2009, 10:37:07 PM »
Theyll only give you one chance, Better get it right first time. And the game youre playing
If you lose you gotta pay, If you make just one wrong move Youll get blown away
Expect no mercy  <Nazareth>

"Stay in the manned ack... When your in a plane you are a danger to the ground"  <Norad>