This is the Allied GV plan for Frame 1. It's a bit long, so bear with me. It's a copy & paste from the Allied forum. I just wanted to show this to go along with what Dantoo was saying. Maybe we overdid it, but it was enjoyable to plot & plan. I look forward to seeing the other side's plans & see how they went about it.
Tankers, your orders Comrades, we will be launching a glorious assault on the enemy's V36. We will be attacking from 2 spawn points, one to the North, the other to the South. The following order applies to all 3 Regiments: After spawning, you will proceed to your designated rally point and form a defensive position (hiding out) until friendly air assets are 10 miles from V36, at which point I will give the general attack command and we will begin our assault. Here are the orders for each Regiment:
119th Regiment: You will spawn north from 47 to a point south of V36. Large hills separate you from the field. Your orders are to proceed northwest and seize the ridge overlooking the plain below, which contains the spawn from the enemy's A56. You will set up a defensive line on the ridge and overwatch the area in front of you. Your holding position has beed codenamed X-ray. When in position, you will report "X-ray secure" to me. Your responsibility during our waiting-for-the-bombers phase is to hold that ridge, protect our spawn, and stop and enemy armor coming from 56's spawn trying to reinforce V36. You have a good view of their approach and I'm counting on you to stop them using long range accurate fire and shoot & scoot movements to keep your exact positions from being zeroed in on. If you are fired on by tanks on the hills south of the field, use the terrain for cover to get out of sight. We don't want to get in a slugfest at this point, especially if they have elevation.
When the general attack order is given, you will proceed down the ridge to its base(giving you cover from any enemy tanks that made it atop the hills S. of V36) and follow it until you come out on the southern edge of V36. There you will (a) assault the field en mass from the southwest side or (b) if they are spawning in from 56, split into two teams. Team Alpha will assault the field and Team Bravo will keep the enemy coming from 56's spawn at bay and out of the fight on the field. Flight17 will make the call on site as to which plan needs to be put in place. The original plan is to have both A & B teams at 3 tanks apiece, but if there is heavy resistance from 56's spawn, the force can be divided up as necessary. You are responsible for the southern third of this field gentlemen. I want all ack and enemy armor destroyed. Friendly air will support the attack on the hangers. With any luck, they will drop the hangers just after the attack starts and we can clean up enemy GVs and get it done fast. We only have 10 minutes for hangers down in this.
The first 2 of your Regiment to die are to grab M3s and to proceed as safely to the field as safety permits, and await the call for troops. Option B is to assault the field through a cut in the hills if necessary. While it is a little faster to field than the primary plan, to fire on the field you have to sit on the opposing side of the hill, at a steep angle, and expose your tank to every swingin' deek with a gun. Another problem with Option B is you will beat your sister Regiments to the field by a wide margin and will be facing the enemy alone for too long.
In the event that the enemy would be foolish enough to attack in force over the hills S. of 36 while you are holding your initial ridge, your order is to do a fighting withdrawal to the South, suckering as many enemy tanks as possible away from their field & support. So, if attacked over those hills, withdraw South until the terrain benefits you and form a defensive line and hold. Good luck Comrades

18th Regiment: Comrades, you will spawn S. from A19 to the backside of the hills to the north of V36. You will proceed East (your left), using the backside of the hill for cover, until you come to a cut in the hills NE of the field. This is the enemy's fastest avenue of approach to get in the hills near our spawn. You will form a defensive line on the crest of the hill near the cut, and overwatch this area for any & all enemy activity. This position is codenamed Yankee. When in position, it will be reported "Yankee secure". You will be providing cover for the 55th Regiment during their movement and helping watch the southwestern area of the field to provide intelligence to the 119th positioned on the ridge south of the field. When the general assault command is given, you will proceed on line down the hill and attack the field from the north. Use your long range capability and good use of cover. Friendly air will help to mark targets. When you reach the edge of the field, I want all the M4s to lay down a thick smokescreen across the field (and don't forget the tower). I want as much enemy confusion as we can cause. By the time the smoke is laid, the hangers should be down, with only some cleanup to do. M3s will use this smokescreen to move onto the field. If you are on the field and not engaged, I want you to move to the maproom to cover M3s. Your job is to protect the troops!
A note: DR7 is on the enemy side. He can hit a tank at insane ranges on the first or second shot. So even if you are long range fighting with the enemy, make sure you are using good use of cover and displace to another position often. I recommend after every 2nd shot.
Option B is a more westerly approach to the field if the enemy somehow controls the original assault area or the hills above.
Good luck Comrades

55th Regiment: You are to spawn S. out of 19 to the hills N. of V36 with the 18th. You will also head east (your left), following the 18th. The 18th will take up a covering position at the cut in the hills N. of V36. Once they have you covered, your Regiment will cross the backside of the cut and proceed up the opposing hill onto the ridge on the northeast side of V36, which overlooks the field. Be sure to stay away from the field side of the ridge, so as not to be seen by the enemy. I want your movement as secret as possible for as long as we can. When you get to your staging area overlooking the field, shut down and don't take any pot shots, fire only if attacked directly. Your staging position is codenamed Zulu. When in position, you will report to me "Zulu secure". If somehow the enemy gets in the hills and threatens your position, withdraw back to the 18th. From their position, they can overlook & cover your entire route. If all is good, when the general attack order is given, you are to start raining hell down on the enemy on the field. This will work in conjunction with friendly bombers dropping on the field. When your sister Regiments reach the edge of the field, you are to charge down the hill onto the northeast side of the field, completing our three pronged attack. Hangers will be down fairly quickly (I hope) and all you should have to deal with is any remaining GVs and any ack that survived. You men are the hammer against the anvil that comprise the 119th & 18th. Most enemy tanks will have their backs to you. I want you to come charging down that hill and smack em like they owe ya money. The smoke from the M4s should cover your rapid decent down the slope. Good luck Comrades.
The first two of this Regiment killed need to grab M3s for their 2nd life and spawn back in from 19 when able.

An overview of the attack: