Author Topic: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High  (Read 3677 times)

Offline RufusLeaking

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #30 on: November 04, 2009, 12:34:40 AM »
I'm in it for the planes.  After landing, I'll go to external pan mode and admire the skin.  The AH community has some true artists out there.  :salute

Also appealing is the rock/paper/scissors decision on what to up.  Is speed required?  Climb rate?  Big guns?  I fly just about everything.  Sometimes I pick a plane just for the paint job.

Edit: For an adrenaline rush:FSO and BE's dueling tournament.  Both have left me physically drained.  Nice work by the scenario designers and BaldEagl.  :salute
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 12:40:49 AM by RufusLeaking »
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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #31 on: November 04, 2009, 12:50:44 AM »
I play to win.


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Offline dhyran

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #32 on: November 04, 2009, 01:07:53 AM »

i fly loose deuce, the squdron name is the fighting style
R.L. Shaw introduced a wing doctrine, which he called the "double attack" doctrine. This is basically a system whereby each of the two section members provides support to the other, but neither one is bound into the leader/follower paradigm. They are both offensive units, and both are generally free to maneouver as the circumstances demand, each one covering the other. This does not mean, that the section disintegrates upon contact with the enemy - its stays together, but in a looser fashion than "welded wing" would dictate, and the roles of primary attacker and supporter may change back and forth, depending upon, who has the best shooting solution. This doctrine is sometimes referred to as the "loose deuce" system. While "welded wing" historically was a doctrin, where an "Ace" leads a "Freshman" into the fight, "loose deuce" is based on to a trustworthy relationship between "Aces".

We are going on the runway together, fly in formation into the battle, fight and always keep an eye on your wingman, fianally returning together to base. You watch others get engaged, and if they get in trouble, you can often help them by swooping down and nailing the bandit. You can nail bandits, which they are dragging. That's basically what "loose deuce" is - only when you are doing it with a dedicated wingman, it is even more effective than the impromptu wingmen you get in the arena. Being in a different tactical situation than your wingman gives you a good chance to make a good shot at the enemy.

Flying "loose deuce" allows both members of the section to act offensively and to come home with their fair share of kills - and there is no better reason for flying "loose deuce" than that.
For me, there is nothing better, playing with some good wingman together! Working as a unit, enjoy the perfect timing

« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 01:20:11 AM by dhyran »

dhyran  - retired  CO  ~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #33 on: November 04, 2009, 01:22:03 AM »

i fly loose deuce, the squdron name is the fighting style
R.L. Shaw introduced a wing doctrine, which he called the "double attack" doctrine. This is basically a system whereby each of the two section members provides support to the other, but neither one is bound into the leader/follower paradigm. They are both offensive units, and both are generally free to maneouver as the circumstances demand, each one covering the other. This does not mean, that the section disintegrates upon contact with the enemy - its stays together, but in a looser fashion than "welded wing" would dictate, and the roles of primary attacker and supporter may change back and forth, depending upon, who has the best shooting solution. This doctrine is sometimes referred to as the "loose deuce" system. While "welded wing" historically was a doctrin, where an "Ace" leads a "Freshman" into the fight, "loose deuce" is based on to a trustworthy relationship between "Aces".

We are going on the runway together, fly in formation into the battle, fight and always keep an eye on your wingman, fianally returning together to base. You watch others get engaged, and if they get in trouble, you can often help them by swooping down and nailing the bandit. You can nail bandits, which they are dragging. That's basically what "loose deuce" is - only when you are doing it with a dedicated wingman, it is even more effective than the impromptu wingmen you get in the arena. Being in a different tactical situation than your wingman gives you a good chance to make a good shot at the enemy.

Flying "loose deuce" allows both members of the section to act offensively and to come home with their fair share of kills - and there is no better reason for flying "loose deuce" than that.
For me, there is nothing better, playing with some good wingman together! Working as a unit, enjoy the perfect timing


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Offline Slade

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2009, 06:23:12 AM »
1. Have fun.
2. Get better at the art.

Greatest joy killing uber planes and pilots in non-uber planes.  :-)

-- Flying as X15 --

Offline Clone155

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2009, 06:30:30 AM »
I live for the pick. I love to get up to 20k, and lurk in my spixteen-o-death. I couldn't live without vulching, and I HO every chance I get. If I finally lose my alt advantage, I will run to my friends. If I ever get shot down, I will PM you and tell you that you suck and so does your mother.

Wait, no! I like to kill people like that  :devil
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 06:32:02 AM by Clone155 »

Offline caldera

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #36 on: November 04, 2009, 07:10:09 AM »
A mullet with frosted tips and some subtle streaks.  Sometimes I wear clip on curls on my sideburns.

Oh, Play-style.  Nevermind.  As you were.
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Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2009, 07:36:44 AM »
-Fly as part of a team in FSO and Scenarios in a humble attempt to vaguely represent real WW2 combat.  :airplane:

-Avoid the main arena unless I'm really desperate for action.

For my part, this is how I remain true to what got me into combat flight sim in the first place, i.e. the history.
334th FS

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Offline FiLtH

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2009, 07:54:29 AM »
Lesser plane, less advantage, vs superior plane, superior advantage and see who wins. Im not a fan of letting your plane's power dictate the fight, by either running or climbing away. I like fighting people who lock horns and try their best to gain yor six as you do the same.


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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #39 on: November 04, 2009, 09:25:52 AM »
Find a bunch of red icon guys and fly/drive in like it's the Thunderdome.  I am not usually the one to leave, but it's fun! :aok
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Offline Joker2

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2009, 09:39:57 AM »
Well I said I would never post here again because there is nothing worth talking about here, I have just been proven wrong, here is a thread with 3 full pages and no one has stooped to name calling or childish behavior.

First and foremost I enjoy the dogfight 1 v 1, this is my favorite aspect of the game.
Landing kills is not my goal when I leave an airfield one of my weaknesses is staying in the fight far too long.

Probably my favorite is dragging a persuing spit away from the heart of the fight then drawing him in and killing him, for some reason I enjoy killing Spit8's and 16's most of all then Ponies.

However the dogfight and the few and far between honorable fights aren't enough to keep me interested for what has now been I think 6 or 7 years?

So at the end of the day it is the people on AH that keep me coming back.

Firstly my squaddies a better group of people I have never met.
Many bish are just an absolute blast to talk to.

And many of my opponents have helped to keep my interest.

Guys like Skyrock, Bruv119 and yes even Lynx who I never thought i would say this about but I actually miss Lynx.

These guys are obviously not the only ones who give me fits from time to time but just the ones that come to mind first.

Organizing towards a common goal has always been a strength of mine in real life and here so i also quite enjoy hearing all the whines my missions ultimately inspire.

Offline druski85

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #41 on: November 04, 2009, 09:58:30 AM »
Depends on what I'm flying.  If I'm in a 109 or yak -

1. Start out at a disadvantage, preferably with significantly less E or 2 co-E  enemies. 
2. Slowly turn the fight into my favor.
3. Come out on top.  Look for the next nose up fight.   :rock

P-51 B or 47 M

1. Find a big old cluster of red dots.
2. Start at the top / best climbers, work my way down.  This is not over a furball, but a group of unengaged cons.  (over a base, for example)

Hurri Mk I

1. Find CV attack happening at a friendly base. 
2. Laugh at the seafires trying to out-turn me.
3. Pour .303 death all over the poor (see what I did there?) little CV planes. 

Buffs (Generally 17's)

1. Blow stuff up.
2. Come about, repeat step 1 until out of bombs.
3. Come in nice and low, hop in the tail gun and look for fighters.   :t

Each activity is fun in it's own right.  Each another reason why I'm still here years later. 

Offline VonMessa

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #42 on: November 04, 2009, 10:21:17 AM »
Kill the red things.

Chase the running red things.

Try not to shoot the green things in the process.

Get killed by the red thing I didn't see.
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Offline Oldman731

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #43 on: November 04, 2009, 10:37:45 AM »
Lesser plane, less advantage, vs superior plane, superior advantage and see who wins. Im not a fan of letting your plane's power dictate the fight, by either running or climbing away. I like fighting people who lock horns and try their best to gain yor six as you do the same.

Very well said, Filth.  I agree wholeheartedly.

- oldman (PLUS it is very important that the aircraft be from historically opposite sides of the war.)

Offline gyrene81

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Re: Your playstyle/philosophy on flying Aces High
« Reply #44 on: November 04, 2009, 10:43:48 AM »
For me, it's the immersion. I like to fly the rides that I pilot with the idea that it is real combat with the intent being able to get home. Fighter sweeps are my favorite, with an especially strong love for buff hunting. As far as the war goes, I really don't pay much attention to that, I mean I'll help if I am around a base fight but porking/bombing anything other than radar is not my cup of tea. It's just a game mechanic that I don't enjoy, but certainly do not look down upon. Without it where would I find those bombers I so love to attack.
Ditto...exactly how most of my squadmates and I enjoy the virtual skies. The special events make it even better.

Thanks for starting this thread.  :salute
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