There is a lot of good info here. I started this thread in an attempt to receive some input from different people with their views on fighting in AH as opposed to mine.
Here is what I've learned
1. I have a lot to learn.
2. the AH community is very willing to help anyone if they ask.
3. I have a lot to learn.

Most of us (including me) have a lot to learn, more so we can all continue to refine our actual understanding of what we think we know. It's not "unlearning" as much as improved application of what we know in conjunction with "new tricks". Here are a few clips that might help you. Try and view them from the perspective of "in vs out of plane", "relative lift vectors" and "basic tactics"...they should help you get a better feel for some of the stuff I've talked about above....
Clip 1
As a trainer (speaking in past tense) one of hardest things to learn is finding a beginning point. Invariably the "problem" the student wants to work on has its roots somewhere else (normally very basic). Once you wind that weak link in the foundation then 85%+ of the time the light bulb just goes on and a quantum leap occurs. For me the best way to try and sort this out initially is just to have the guy/gal grab a favorite ride and an alt/E advantage and tell them to just kill me. The end result is normally about like this...a fight in the MA that I've had 500+ times in the TA over a decade or of my few gripes with the current TA setting is the lack of damage. If you view my films you notice I often cut my "bait move" very close and absorb strikes but very little if any damage. I do believe this is a learned skill that was helped refined by hundreds of hours flying as a "target drone" back as a trainer. To me I think that as a pure training clip this is the best I ever shot with regard to in/out of plane and lag to lead transitions. I'm never really in control of this fight but can keep the illusion of control enough to "force" errors. None of the shots are forced and I don't waste any E or give up any angular position. wish I could still fly this well:) Clip 2
This a good general primer of "common envelope" flying. within a significant % of the flight envelope all planes are similar. There is absolutely nothing at all fancy here or plane specific. To consistently achieve victories and return successfully you have 90% fundamentals and 10% "pilot stuff"...anytime you try pushing it 90/10 the other way you walk home. Again the key here is the overall texture and management of the fight. Here is a clip from frame#1 of current scenario, if you look toward the end I'm being chased by 3 190's and have a flight of 3 friendlies inbound. You can see that I turn and engage prior to there arrival to get things furballing for them. whats important here is my timing and choice of lines in reaction to how they set up. Was nice flying right up until I lost SA/focus trying to check in and pat myself on the back for some nice flying Clip 3
This a clip of me in the SBD, in the end my poor gunnery does me in but it gives you a feel for how competative the plane can be vs a fighter (or two). Normally i'd have gotten both of these with little problem... Here is a similar clip in A-20 The only way to get "good" in any plane is to push yourself in it, I'm always looking for good fights vs excellent sticks in "their ride". Here is one of slap slapping me around in the A-20. We had 3 or 4 and he swept me easily, this is the closest of them...but all were fun and this type of action makes a similiar fight vs a lesser stick a lot more winnable IMO. Here are a couple of fights, 1st I happened to have an initial advantage...which led to a bit of an exchange afterward so I invited him to come on back....which he did...2nd fight was a lot of fun... Other clips at
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