I'm in the same boat as you Lagger, but I'm in my 50's

While Blooz has some great comments, it only relates to one style of game play, winning the fight. Flying a BnZ style of fighting is the very best way to fight as it is very rare.... as long as you stay strictly BnZ... will you ever loose a fight. On the other hand I find that kind of fighting to be about as exciting as watching paint dry

Blooz is saying NOT to engage spit and zeros and other slower planes. In the MA's taking out spits are half the targets !
You have to decide what type of game play you want, and go from there. I like the fight, period! win loose or draw, I couldn't care less.... tho winning does seem to be a bit more fun

To that end, I'd fly the F6 like an "E" fighter against those slower planes. If it looks like the guy flying the slower plane doesn't really know what he's doing I might even turn a circle or two against him. To me this is fun. To Blooz it might be stupid, to you.... well only you really know.
Once you KNOW how you want to play, then you look to see what your doing wrong that is killing your fun. Work on that. My biggest problem was and still is to some extent is my aim, it's just terrible. I hooked up with Ghost and he stuck me in that darn D3a1 and gave me a few pointers. It took my hit percentage of 2-3% to 5-6%. While that is still nothing to brag about it is twice as good as before, and I've been able to maintain that for months.
So my tips are,
- Identify what style of game play YOU have fun at.
- Then identify what areas of that type of play that your having trouble with.
- Then get with a trainer for a few minutes to get some 1 on 1 training in that area.
Once you have the basics down.... which I assume you do... each step up to the next "plateau" is an exercise in fine tuning, small things like knowing when to loosen a turn, go nose up, or nose down, or the timing on the flaps. By IDing the area your having trouble in you can tweak these things. Your getting beat by spits and zeros. Are you staying in a turn too long with them? Are they forcing an over shoot? If its the turn issue, maybe you need to work on high yo-yos or nose up turns, maybe spiral climbing turns. If its the over shoots, maybe you need work on slowing your plane quick, or turning "out of plane" after your pass to give them a smaller window to shoot at you.
Film ALL fights. I name them.... from the tower most times... what happened in the fight. "out turned by spit" and so on so I know what to look for when I play them back. If you have trouble figuring out what you did wrong, post the film on the boards, you'll get all kinds of responses

Most will be helpful, oh you could read only the responses of people you respect. The point is you'll get views from different perspectives from people from different styles.
WHile this game is fun, you'll be learning it for a long time. The "learning" part of it never ends, and if your memory is anything like mine each thing takes longer to stick in my memory so it take even longer !