no such thing as an impossible move,
internet lag maybe. Film or it didn't happen.
I have two films with impossible happenings. One I was in a P38G and I get a Spit16 to over shoot allowing me to remove his entire left (think left) wing and turn for home. Said Spit then makes a controlled, middle speed 180 degree turn, pulls a perfect shot on me at 1000 out and pop, I'm down. Oh, did I mention all 4 guns fired even though he had only 1 wing?
Second one I think HTC lost interest on finding the reason... I was at 14.5k over a field in a 38 doing maybe 300, just circling waiting for a hangar to pop. Suddenly I have a wing just fall off. HTC has said nothing hit me and the last email I received, they still had no clue what made it happen.
Impossible moves and happenings aren't impossible unless you think about the fact if they happen, then they can't be impossible, now can they?