Sounds like a drunken fight with the old Lady and then a drunken "I want attention crash/fake suicide".
Much more common then you'd believe. I worked Mids for 30 years and there is no way the guy was sober. The coppers gave him a big pass on the scene.
I spent all day Thurs. going to one domestic call after another. And that was on day shift! The nights are far worse. Add in the fact el tigre just got outt'ed hooking up with another broad?
Put it all together? Even if you dont people dont crash into fire hydrants outside their homes, at 0225 hrs on T-giving, without being at least a .16%. I dont know the guy. Its possible he could have been much higher.
As I understand he was still in his gated community and not on the open road. Thats probably why they gave him a pass. And now he's canceling "meets" with police? Can you believe it? Thats the word they use, "Cancel".