One problem in saying what a "109" should do relative any other aircraft is that the thing was in service long enough to go from being a relatively lightly wing-loaded craft to a heavily loaded rocket-sled.
I am not actually surprised by a 109 sustaining a higher rate of turn than the P-51D, given the physics of the thing. (This is EXACTLY what happens in AHII, btw) However, YOU wish to dismiss physics (because it disagrees with you) and go purely by pilot anecdote. Thus you have absolutely no right to question the numerous war-time pilot accounts of winning turning fights P-51 vs. 109. One anecdote trumps another. In actuality, this makes us come full circle, the only way to determine who is "right" being the hard science which eludes you.
I do not claim perfection for the flight model BTW. Speaking from a physics perspective, the oddest duck I know in the game is the P-51. The P-51, an aircraft whose stall speed is usually listed at 100mph clean, cannot sustain as tight a turn radius in clean configuration as the P-47D-11, whose stall speed is usually listed at 105mph clean. This simply makes no sense. This incidentally, is also in direct disagreement with every pilot who flew both types and numerous German impressions of the strength and weaknesses of both types. So if you wish to kvitch about something, make it that.
funny since the first guy interviewed interviewed in that clip was the very same expert they interviewed about the 109 on showdown air combat ...
apparently they i.e. the military channel thought his input was as valuable as Bud Anderson's ...
What the military channel does or does not think is irrelevant. The point remains, since you have dismissed the notion of using physics to determine which aircraft is more maneuverable and wish to go with pilot "experience", then EVERY pilot's experience counts, Not just the ones who agree with you.
Including the experiences of combat and test pilots in WWII who, for whatever reason, felt like the 109 was clearly less nimble than the P-51. BTW, this is something you cannot dismiss as "lies and propaganda" either, because knowingly disseminating false information about enemy a/c capabilities could have been *lethal* to your fellow pilots, and thus was a no-no.
Also one wonders why they would readily admit that Zeros out turn our craft, but lie about German aircraft capacities, with potentially lethal results...
BTW did anybody see the red bull barcelona?
there was an interesting clip about the importance on weight and it's effects on similar aircraft during high-g maneuvers, it did not look to good for heavier aircraft and energy retention under high-g maneuvers ...
Energy loss in maneuvering comes from the massive increase in drag caused by the wing being at higher angles of attack. All other factors being equal, a more
heavily wing-loaded aircraft must use a higher AoA to achieve the same G as a more lightly loaded one, and thus induce more drag.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the absolute mass of the aircraft in and of itself! Until you bother to learn some very basic principles of aerodynamics like this, you attempting to criticize *anyone's* flight model will remain a laughable proposition. You might try cracking a book instead of watching Youtube clips all day.