You wanna know what happened? Well I got frustrated trying to guess where the next NOE overkill mission was gonna hit. Apparently Batched1 assigned himself spokesperson for the NOE hordelings and began to run his mouth. So now I wait to see if their cajones have dropped... I am still waiting girls!
I prefer to wear a bra on my head...keeps the ears warm
Usvi, I saw the same thing tonight, lots of mission and no one in the missions really wanted any resistance so they came in with 40+ guys and often NOE as well.Maybe it will be better tomorrow night, then again, I might see Bigfoot too.
Was me, I bumped a power cord. HiTEch
what happens if you up defense?
If you can get up in numbers the whole raid fails nine out of ten times.The mission members scatter like cockroaches do when the lights go on.Only a couple(if any)ever return to follow up.This reduces you to waiting for bases to flash,lots of fun.
Pigs are coming into their own.