Author Topic: Spit XIV skins  (Read 2633 times)

Offline sandwich

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Spit XIV skins
« on: December 17, 2009, 04:19:42 PM »
Does anybody have any Spit XIV skins in the works?

I love that bird but there's not that much choice when it comes to skins.

Offline Krusty

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2009, 08:04:35 PM »
There weren't that many that saw service, either.

Lack of skin variety is why we have the same skin 4 times with different time-period-invasion-stripes.

There's just not many options for it.

Offline Fencer51

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2009, 08:11:02 PM »
There weren't that many that saw service, either.

Lack of skin variety is why we have the same skin 4 times with different time-period-invasion-stripes.

There's just not many options for it.

I was going to reply, attempting once again to educate this person as to aircraft paint schemes, but I truly believe it is a lost cause.  :(
The names of the irrelevant have been changed to protect their irrelevance.
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As for the innocent, everyone needs to know they are innocent –
As for the guilty… they can suck it.

Offline Banshee7

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2009, 08:19:52 PM »
I was going to reply, attempting once again to educate this person as to aircraft paint schemes, but I truly believe it is a lost cause.  :(

Go ahead and lecture me...It'll be your first time for me  :D
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Offline Fencer51

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2009, 09:19:06 PM »
The British had standard paint schemes.  Each plane was painted to a set template.  Hence, unlike the Germans (who were more famous for their sense of order) they did not vary.  What did vary was plane and squadron codes, theater markings such as the color of the nose cone and fusalage bands, and the invasion stripes at different time periods after the invasion.

The names of the irrelevant have been changed to protect their irrelevance.
The names of the innocent and the guilty have not been changed.
As for the innocent, everyone needs to know they are innocent –
As for the guilty… they can suck it.

Offline Banshee7

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2009, 09:23:30 PM »
See, I learned something.  Or added more to what I knew :)
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Offline sandwich

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2009, 10:18:25 PM »

I didnt know that.

Sucks for cool skins though.

Was there ever a pink recon XIV? I would fly that skin.

Offline Krusty

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2009, 01:20:07 PM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 10:04:28 AM by Skuzzy »

Offline jocko-

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2009, 03:08:50 PM »
How about a late war 2TAF Fighter Recon skin? Just accepted, should be in next update.

351st FS, 353rd FG

Offline jocko-

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2009, 11:20:27 PM »
One aircraft that would fill all 15 skin slots easily with radically varying paint schemes is the Hurricane. It fought throughout the entire war in all theaters, in service with many countries. I have no interest in skinning AH2's current model given it's primitive shape and awful mapping but after seeing Waffle's latest models I'm salivating at the thought of a new Hurri (Hurris). Pity there is only 15 skin slots per aircraft type... Battle of France, Home Defense, Norwegian Campaign, Battle of Britain (15 different marking variations right there...), Night Fighters, Rhubarbs, Desert Air Force, Malta, Med, VVS, FAF, SEAC, 2TAF, CAM, FAA/RN, .........

/Homer Drool OFF

Britain, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Russia, Poland, Australia, Ireland, America, Czechoslovakia, New Zealand, India, Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, (Turkey? Hmm... Christmas is coming...)

Err, Waffle, you reading this post?

351st FS, 353rd FG

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2009, 12:01:14 AM »
Fencer apparently has a stick up his buttocks.

Nothing I said was any different than anything *HE* said.

There was little variation.

That's a fact. Same with many USAAF units that have bare metal and no other colors except for the prop and rudder.

Getting an attitude over me saying this is absurd, because you yourself have just confirmed my comments with a redundant reply.

I think it's because you tend to say this anytime an RAF or USAAF paint scheme is talked about Krusty.

Those of us with a serious interest in the Allied birds see plenty of variation.  Just the squadron codes being accurate in flight is good stuff.  Flying a Spit with EB, DL or LO squadron codes has a significant historical value to me, even if it's on standard RAF day camo.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Krusty

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2009, 12:12:00 AM »
I think it's because you tend to say this anytime an RAF or USAAF paint scheme is talked about Krusty.

Those of us with a serious interest in the Allied birds see plenty of variation.  Just the squadron codes being accurate in flight is good stuff.  Flying a Spit with EB, DL or LO squadron codes has a significant historical value to me, even if it's on standard RAF day camo.

The first part of your comment is wrong. I haven't said anything remotely like that in years. When I did, it was for planes with all the slots filled, so adding a 99% identical duplicate and bumping out something more unique was illogical. Normally applied to P-51Ds with bare metal and tiny bits of color on the nose. However I would say this for any instance where it's true. Example: Somebody wanted a JG5 190A8, "Blue 9" -- I wasn't fast enough and somebody else pointed out there's already a JG5 190A8 "Blue 8" (the next plane in line) and I totally agreed and would have posted the response myself if fast enough.

For your second comment, I don't disagree. However, outside of the dedicated fans of a specific unit, nobody else is going to know the squad codes. They're going to look at the camo, or the accent markings, or whatever sets it apart from other skins.

Please note the original reply I made: "The skins lack variety." This is because there wasn't much variety. That's not a slight on Fenceer's skins. It's just a succinct, brief, accurate description of the situation. I suspect Fencer got sore because he thought I was insulting his work. Far from it. I was pointing out there were little to no camo variations. The only variation you can get is different stages of invasion stripes, so that's what we got.

Not a commentary on the quality of the skins at all, just a commentary that explains why we don't have more options: because there weren't many!

Fencer pretends he needs to "educate" me -- far from it. I know the reason why, but that's not the answer to the question. That's an explanation of the situation during WW2 that LED to the answer. It's a totally different clause in the metaphorical sentence, so to speak.

You can go into the background for WHY there weren't many variations all you want, but don't pretend you're correcting me or rebuking me, because it only explains another level of the issue. It doesn't change the short answer. Which is "there wasn't much variation." Same answer applies for the C-hog, P-38Gs, Ki67s, Lancasters, and many others. Explaining the backgrounds does nothing to negate the simple answer of "there wasn't much variety."

I will say sorry for my "stick" comment, but I did not appreciate his tone (I was provoked).

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2009, 12:24:15 AM »
OK Krusty, then what do you see as the solution to the 'lack of variety".  Just saying that doesn't help.  In fact it's not needed at all.  Again there are folks who will notice and enjoy the different codes of historic squadrons etc.    They might even decide to try and learn something about them too.

Fill the XIVs with every squadron that flew them in combat.  You will get the 2 TAF paint jobs of the Spit XIVs on the continent and the paint jobs of those that remained in England.  So be it.  Where you might notice the difference in a 190 paint job cause it interests you, I really don't care.  I'd not tell anyone not to do them or suggest they lack variety.  If I decide to hop in an AH Spit XIV and take Bill Stowe's EB-E of 41 Squadron, "Johnny" Johnson's DL-K of 91 squadron or Jean Maridor's bird, I'll know that's who I'm thinking about when I do it.

Seems kinda simple really.

Kinda like taking Claiborne Kinnard's 334th FS P51D, or maybe Jim Goodson's.  heaven forbid they both have 4th FG red noses :)
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Greebo

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2009, 05:37:08 AM »
I'd really like to do the scheme below as a skin. The website I found it on says this aircraft destroyed nine V-1s with various pilots but doesn't give any squadron info. It has had its camo paint and squadron markings stripped off to gain a few MPH. The D Day stripes don't look right with three black and two white stripes, so ideally I would like a photo or at least a more reliable text source to back it up. I can't find anything in my books though, anyone else got anything?

Offline oboe

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Re: Spit XIV skins
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2009, 05:53:39 AM »
How about a late war 2TAF Fighter Recon skin? Just accepted, should be in next update.

(Image removed from quote.)

Just beautiful, jocko-!

Greebo, goven the paucity of subjects for the 14, it makes sense to me to ease the research requirements.  If the source of your profile is reputable in other respects, I wouldn't see a problem in using only a single source in this case.   Maybe Dan, Lyric, or perhaps Majors can find some additional info on it?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 05:59:34 AM by oboe »