After being amazed at what the n1k can do immediately after takeoff; and never having actually flown the plane myself, I decided a little test would be a good idea. My intention was to see just how well the n1k held it's E, that way I would know what it could do.
Here's what I did:
Offline, pick n1k, 50% fuel. (I figured for base defense this is what they would pick.) Immediately after takeoff, try to loop. Well guess what, I was able to loop the N1k immediately after takeoff! I then continued to loop 10 more times before I decided the N1k holds it's E well enough to loop infinately many times.
At the top of the 11th loop I pulled negative gs and then tried to continue into an outside loop. Had I 50 more feet of altitude I would have been able to pull it off.
loops.ahfNow tell me, is this accurate? Could
any WWII fighter loop immediately after a 170 mph takeoff and loop continuously? Note, I was pulling 5 gs at the bottoms of the loop. I tried this with the p51 and it couldn't even finish 1/2 a loop.
I've decided now that something is definately amis with the N1k FM.
[This message has been edited by bloom25 (edited 12-04-2000).]
[This message has been edited by bloom25 (edited 12-04-2000).]