Author Topic: Testing the n1k  (Read 2596 times)

Offline Citabria

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Testing the n1k
« Reply #105 on: December 08, 2000, 02:49:00 PM »
what is to weak about the prop modelling?

torque reaction effect: Newton's Law of action and reaction.
there are some real problems here. this effect is almost unnoticable even with massive rapid power changes at near stall speed.

this effect is less evident the heavier the aircraft is simply due to the energy needed to displace a heavier object even with a high horsepower engine spinning a large diameter prop.

so the p47 may be enough of a whale to be able to resist the rolling tendency at stall speed and lower created by the prop spinning at full throttle but what about the typhoon?

its prop is almost the size of a small helicopters yet in a stall climb it maintains near complete roll control far past stall speed until its nose falls earthward with very minimal torque reaction.

remember force x arm = moment... ie: the further the distance of the force applied to the aircraft from the center of gravity the larger the impact on the airplane that force will create.

what about the n1k2?

everyone is so happy about how lightwieght it is yet it has so much power with its 2000hp engine.

but it has no torque at all.

somthing is amiss.

or maybe this is what HTC wants...
easy game for the newbie.

but it is very weak reaction for such high powered aircraft.

[This message has been edited by Citabria (edited 12-08-2000).]
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Offline Jekyll

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Testing the n1k
« Reply #106 on: December 08, 2000, 05:16:00 PM »
Try playing this game using only a two-button joystick without using combat trim.

Geez JAB, why don;t we all petition HTC to make AH easy enough so that you don't even need a joystick?  Maybe we should all just fly around with a mouse, or using the keyboard, OK?  And lets make sure that it runs in no resolution other than 640*480 .. don't want to disadvantage those guys who only have 14" monitors  

And how about HTC implement an 'auto-lag' feature, where everyone gets the same connect quality no matter where they are in the world?  

Sheesh.. live with it, OK?

Now with regard to Combat Trim, don't get me wrong guys.. I happen to think Combat Trim is a good idea.

After all, Aces High is the only sim my 3 year old boy is able to take off and fly around in.

He's still a bit rough on the landings, and hasn't even managed to nail one of the drones yet though.

Maybe by the time he's 4  

[This message has been edited by Jekyll (edited 12-08-2000).]

Offline StSanta

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Testing the n1k
« Reply #107 on: December 08, 2000, 05:47:00 PM »
What citabria said.

9./JG 54 "Grünherz"

Offline Kirin

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Testing the n1k
« Reply #108 on: December 08, 2000, 06:46:00 PM »
Cit, you made me bail at 25k today... but still agree to the outermost with ya!  

As for FdSki: I crashed the Typhoon the first time I took it off with full bomb load pre 1.4 - but neversince. (I only had a few sorties though - all for bombing purpose before I discovered the beauty of the A8) So RAM has a point telling you that you do something wrong when still augering after 100 sorties...  
Real men fly Radial!

Offline bloom25

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Testing the n1k
« Reply #109 on: December 08, 2000, 11:59:00 PM »
You know, except for a few flames, I think this thread is actually going somewhere.  Based on what I've read (take it for what it's worth) I would say torque is too weak in 1.04.  I can't get any plane to flip on the runway by rapidly throttling up.  I've also noticed that as soon as the tail comes off the ground that the plane suddenly tracks perfectly straight.  I remember that in previous versions, you had to maintain rudder pressure until the plane was completely off the ground.  I can't count the number of times during big jabo raids in 1.03 that at least 2 of the planes lost it on takeoff and crashed.  

I need to say here that I've never flown a real airplane.  IMO however torque was probably too strong in 1.03.  In 1.04 though, it is hardly a factor.  We need to find some way to find out which model is more accurate; that way if something is wrong we can prove it.


Offline J_A_B

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Testing the n1k
« Reply #110 on: December 09, 2000, 12:15:00 AM »
This is OFF TPOIC, so skip it if your only interested in the thread's original topic.

Okay Jekyll, I'll bite  

"Geez JAB, why don;t we all petition HTC to make AH easy enough so that you don't even need a joystick? "

"Sheesh.. live with it, OK?"

On the same level of sarcasm, I could ask--"Why don't we all petition HTC to make AH REQUIRE a full HOTAS?  That way people who aren't rich wouldn't even be able to soil AH with their presence."

Just because you can afford state-of-the-art controllers doesn't mean the game should cater to you and handicap people who don't have them.  And there is NO reason why your money should buy you an unfair advantage.

There are times I DO play AH in the MA, when I scrape up the money needed for a month's payment or two.  It is an excellent game, but up until recently it was very difficult to play due to the large number of keyboard inputs required.  A real pilot wouldn't have this problem since the controls are provided.  So why create an artificial handicap which benefits rich people?  If the problem is uncontrollable, like connections, then obviously nothing can be done.  But every reasonable measure should be taken to make the game equally playable for everyone.

Combat trim does not make AH "easy".  Heck, a WB's-style EasyMode still wouldn't make it easy, because of the level of the competition (and no I am not advocating an easymode).  All CT does is, essentially, simulate a nice controller system.  It is NOT as good or accurate as the real thing, so its no advantage.

Unlike you rich folks, $30 is quite a chunk of money to some of us.  Believe it or not, some people simply cannot aford to buy a $2000 PC, and a $200 control system, and a $500 monitor.  Price is the ONE reason I don't subscribe to AH on a constant basis.

Once again, I challenge you--Fly AH with only a two button stick.  No pedals, no throttle, no hat, nothing else.  You would probably be shocked at how complex everything becomes.  It is still possible to fly and get kills, but it is quite a bit harder.  Try maneuvering, working the view keys, throttle, trimming AND working the rudder all at once.  NOT easy.  You will be forced to make concessions you wouldn't otherwise have to make.

We are on a computer.  NOT a real plane.  Therefore, some concessions have to be made for the sake of playability.  CT is one concession.   ICONS are another.

You said "Live with it"

I reply:   You should try to look at things from somebody else's prespective.  Just because a problem doesn't affect you doesn't make it unimportant.


P.S.   --->   Sorry for this off-topic post; I felt the need to reply to this guy.  

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #111 on: December 09, 2000, 12:33:00 AM »
I'm not saying your problem is unimportant JAB ... I'm saying that your argument is illogical.

Like it or not, there will ALWAYS be people who have faster computers, larger monitors, better connections or fancier joystick setups.

Whining about 'rich people' isn't the way to go I'm afraid.

Living as I do in Australia, I have to put up with crappy US connections, and peripheral prices at least 4 times what they are in the States.  A Saitek X36 USB setup in the US can be had for as little as $50 ... here in Australia its $250.

But whining about how poor you are is not the way to win people over to your way of thinking.

BTW, I'd love to see a Head to Head with Citabria on one side with a crappy two button joystick and a rank newbie on the other side with the best HOTAS rig money could buy.

I know who I'd be backing to win the fight  

Offline RAM

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Testing the n1k
« Reply #112 on: December 09, 2000, 04:50:00 AM »
Originally posted by Jekyll:
Living as I do in Australia

Ohh are you aussie?...

Jekyll we are going to kick aussie ar$e on the Davis Cup finals  

GO SPAIN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!