Author Topic: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)  (Read 5714 times)

Offline Delirium

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #60 on: January 01, 2010, 05:36:03 AM »
And for the record if they can auger from 24k before they get shot they deserve what they get.

Easily done... see icon for 35k P51 closing, put nose down, rip wings and bail. They don't even need to hit the ground.

The real question is what have you got to fear from making this change?  :D

All I am saying is you cannot 'coad' behavior. If that was the case, Skuzzy would have a lot less problems on the forums. Some people will find a way to game the game and do whatever is self-centered, no matter if it takes away from overall game play. Get used to it...
« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 05:37:34 AM by Delirium »
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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #61 on: January 01, 2010, 08:15:33 AM »
Instead they will just auger before you get within 3k if they aren't carrying anymore eggs.

You can't fix the problem by re-'coading' the game, its a problem with the player not the game itself.

Agreed on programming behavior.  I believe the OP suggested that the proxy range be bumped to 6k to force them to give up a kill before they bailed, unless they simply bailed anytime they suspected the dot on the horizon was enemy.  What we're trying to combat is the "No kill for you" crowd, not the suicide lanc-stukas.
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Offline Bino

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #62 on: January 01, 2010, 10:10:36 AM »

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #63 on: January 01, 2010, 11:09:01 AM »
Whats the point we are really talking about here? Is it that bailing from a good plane is lame, or is it the OP is worried about not adding another easy kill to his scoreboard?

Sure bailing from a good plane is lame, but it doesn't effect how the game is played. As for the OP, he's happy to float around at 25k looking for bombers to kill anyway, another group will be along in a few minutes anyway. He's plan is to be there anyway, it's not like he "wasted" his time to get there.

So the only issue I see is the OP is worried about missing out on all those kills. Next thing you kow we'll have newbs in here wishing for all the planes to fly straiter long so they don't miss out on as many kills either  :rolleyes:

Offline Chalenge

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #64 on: January 01, 2010, 01:55:13 PM »
So what your saying is you want the ability to bail from a perfectly good plane and not give up a kill to remain in the game? That will encourage this to catch on worse than it is and its pretty bad right now. Of course the people that hug the terrain and suffer from fear of heights will never have a problem with this but for me its not the kill but the fight. If you want to encourage these NOOBs like yourself to continue to bail thats on you but I want the fight once I have gone to the trouble to fly up there I deserve that much.

I think your attitude is disrespectful of anyone that enjoys a good fight. Shame on you!
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Offline lyric1

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #65 on: January 01, 2010, 05:52:00 PM »
I think Lynx has had about the best responce I have seen in regards to bomb & bail types. OK chaps there is Berlin every one out. Or words to that effect. As far as the auguring types go I think if they are caught on film 3 times or more in a month the only bomber they can take up is a B5N for a month. If you you are going to do it on a regular basis you may as well be historically correct.

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #66 on: January 01, 2010, 06:54:50 PM »
I doubt either one of these people against 'fixing' the bailers would even attack bombers at altitude.  :devil
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Offline guncrasher

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #67 on: January 01, 2010, 10:22:58 PM »
I doubt either one of these people against 'fixing' the bailers would even attack bombers at altitude.  :devil

by the time you get to their altitude most of the time they already dropped ords.  I let them go.  point is to stop buffs before they drop, unless I am bored in which case I'll follow them. by the time i catch up to them, most of the time I just want sorty to end, cause by now I am really bored.  this again is a thread where somebody wants to regulate behavior you dont like.  There's lot of us who think ponies, 190's and all the other fast planes are mostly used for one thing, and that is to run.  most will only pick and when in trouble point head down and run.  I wish players who only picked would get penalized by involuntary ejection from their "skilled" plane.  then again, that's how they like to fly, nothing i can do about that.  same as for buffs that bail.  nothing you can do about that.  You want to attack some buffs that wont bail.  ask 999 where he flies, he more than gladly will tell ya.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #68 on: January 01, 2010, 10:32:13 PM »
So what your saying is you want the ability to bail from a perfectly good plane and not give up a kill to remain in the game? That will encourage this to catch on worse than it is and its pretty bad right now. Of course the people that hug the terrain and suffer from fear of heights will never have a problem with this but for me its not the kill but the fight. If you want to encourage these NOOBs like yourself to continue to bail thats on you but I want the fight once I have gone to the trouble to fly up there I deserve that much.

I think your attitude is disrespectful of anyone that enjoys a good fight. Shame on you!

LOL !!! I think you are in need of some serious help !!

First off I have been playing this game for close to 10 YEARS, add to that another half dozen in Air Warrior. Calling me a "noob" is almost the most idiotic thing you have posted in some time, and you post some dozies !

Second, you should READ these boards more instead of just posting the drivel that you do. Had you read a few you would know that I am one of the BIGGEST supporters of "the fight".

If someone wants to climb for an hour only to drop his bombs, and bail at the first sign of trouble, go for it. Who am I to say how they should play. I have suggested that those that do those lame things are missing out on a larger part of the game. I think you climbing to 25k and lurking around to jump buffs is lame, but hey if you like it go for it. I wouldn't consider it "fighting" by a long shot, but to each his own.

From what I read in the post, I saw someone who was looking for a game change only so he can get a few more kills added to his score sheet, NOT to make better game play. So if calling a sheep a sheep is disrespectful, then I guess I am.

....oh and by the way, if your looking for a "fight" try dropping down under 10K where most of them happen. You'll find me down there too. I don't know if I'll give you a good fight, but I won't bail on ya until my plane is a burning fuselage about to plant it self into the ground.

Offline Dream Child

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #69 on: January 01, 2010, 11:12:18 PM »
what I am saying is what is the difference between a guy that bails out in buffs or the one that runs in his fighter so he dont get killed. difference is none.  neither one wants to get killed.  and we all run away on fighters for one reason or another everytime we up.  and yet you expect a guy that is going to lose in a buff to stay and fight when we dont do that in fighters.  now rethink your position.  you want a guy in buff to stay and die and yet you dont think twice of running away in fighter when you know your gonna die.  :bolt:


Difference is the fighter pilot didn't jump out of his plane. His plane didn't die. He didn't die. If you jump, your plane crashes into the ground. It's not the same as going home and landing. Your plane didn't make it home, therefore the guy that forced you to jump should get the kill.

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #70 on: January 01, 2010, 11:27:57 PM »
therefore the guy that forced you to jump should get the kill.

The only problem with that is that the bomber pilot may have bailed just cause hes a "bomb and bail" dweeb... the fighter pilot may have had nothing to do with it.   If any penalty should be assessed to the bomber pilot for bailing... how about this:

Enemy con must be within icon range for 3 or more minutes. If the pilot bails after the 3 minute mark while there is an enemy aircraft within icon range, the closest enemy pilot gets the kill.

This could be applied to ANY aircraft... not just bombers.  And its fair.  You could make the range whatever works best... 6K, 3K, 1K... as long as it is the same across the board.


Offline Chalenge

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #71 on: January 02, 2010, 03:11:04 AM »
Second, you should READ these boards more instead of just posting the drivel that you do. Had you read a few you would know that I am one of the BIGGEST supporters of "the fight".

You are not supporting a fight in this thread noob. Either lead follow or get out of the way.
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #72 on: January 02, 2010, 03:12:56 AM »
by the time you get to their altitude most of the time they already dropped ords. 

You start off by assuming things which are incorrect. I have these guys (and one in particular) on film bailing BEFORE they get to the target area.

Face it your just wrong.

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Offline LLogann

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #73 on: January 02, 2010, 03:33:45 AM »
This would not work at all.  I know I've upped and flown 5 minutes just to have to bail to go help out a squaddie someplace or of such things as that. 

Honestly, I think the inability to bail out of an undamaged aircraft would be the best way to go.  If you have something you need to do suddenly, such as a squad op, auger it.

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Re: New Bomber Tactic (not so new)
« Reply #74 on: January 02, 2010, 06:11:12 AM »
You start off by assuming things which are incorrect. I have these guys (and one in particular) on film bailing BEFORE they get to the target area.

Face it your just wrong.

This is not the norm. It happens occasionally, but most Bomb'N'Bailers bail only after dropping their ords. It's the flatten hangars, rinse & repeat routine.
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