Author Topic: two of my films  (Read 447 times)

Offline wgmount

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two of my films
« on: January 03, 2010, 09:57:59 PM »
here are two films of one of my flying. F4U-1a vs an LA5 someone tell me what I did right and what I did wrong which I think was everything.
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Offline Sonicblu

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Re: two of my films
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2010, 12:10:04 AM »
hey flushed hows it going. Just so you know I can identify more then I am perfect at myself. Its a work in progress.

I personally like your merge at the beginning you go in aggressive. You create a bit of seperation then turn into it. I do the same thing if im underneath (vertical seperation ) i always turn into the seperation. So underneath turn up. If you are to the right of con and cant get underneath you turn into him to the left is what you did.

At :38 in the fillm i would have gone up into a spiral climb forcing a vertical scissors. At that point the la went up he started to dominate the fight.

As soon as you see him making angels before you do go to a E fight take it up. Then reset and go for angles or plan on keeping your energy.

Look at the fight from the la's cockpit at :50 he rolls left for low yoyo  :58 he moves early  then barrel rolls. This sets up a snap shot you can see you come through from his right side window to his gun sight givin him time to line up the snap shot.

If you look up at about 1:00 you can see him rolling in at that point you have to roll to the right with him. Forcing a rolling scissors. At that point the F4u will eat up most other planes. as you put down flaps and get in behind him.

If you look up in view from his cockpit you can see you just make a simple turn you basically do the work for him all he has to do is roll to get snap shot.

Offline Sonicblu

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Re: two of my films
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2010, 12:44:05 AM »
Film 2

You did some great things in this one. You almost had it. Sometime when we lose a fight we think we botched completly and "that thing I tried doesnt work". Well you were there a few times.

on the first merge again i would have gone up. as soon as you see him and he has a better angle reset go up and spiril climb. Try not to split S if you dont have too.

OK at 3:00 you do a beautiful barrel roll then you do another. go to fixed position in film put on trails and watch what it looks like when you are doing it right. Its what i say in the other post roll and it will go into a rolling scissors and this is what it does here. Very nice IMO.  YOU almost were in sync with him than you can pull the trigger. Use the slides on the film viewer to move the angle of the view so you are looking straight down the barrel roll. AS you get better with flaps and throtle control you will win right here in the fight. at about 4:00 he trys to roll over to the right on you. Not sure but it puts it into a luftberry a round and round.

Again go into the film viewer fixed then hit trails. then move the sliders so that you are looking down then the circles. YOU are turning tighter than him on the first two turns. If he would have kept turning tight with you I think you would have won. Watch the speed on the right side of viewer.

He starts to open up his turn radius and starts to go faster. YOU are still turning tight with all flaps on is a guess. And you do make nice small circles. But you have no speed you are commited to turn. you cant high yo yo up and cut the circle no E, and the dirt keeps you from low yo yo. the circles are now offset and in his favour plus he as speed to manuver and not just turn. It forces a flat scissor and snap shot.

Ill have to post later on some things i think would help. Off to bed for the night <S>

But it starts to offset the circles. plus he is gaining speed and

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Re: two of my films
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2010, 07:26:27 AM »

I started to write up some more detailed comments but then stopped since the details are a bit secondary IMO vs the "big picture" concepts. So here is an overview (again just one persons opinion).

Initially your high coming into the merge and have minimal separation. you turn into his offset at 15 sec or so and accordingly set up an in plane position at roughly 18 seconds. If you freeze the film with the la at 1.2 (19 sec) you'll see that he is climbing into you nose up and your turning into him in a somewhat nose down position. From my perspective the la has a superior position but he then turns into your turn in effect giving you back some angles but setting up the ensuing fight. If you move forward to the 30 second mark and what I call the remerge he's got clearly superior position again with you in a more pronounced nose down orientation and the la well oriented in the more desirable "under position. So in effect he passed on his initial advantage to set up a better one here. You can see how your orientation relative to him allows for him to reverse you in the vertical and set up what should have been an easy shot for him.

Learning good and bad merge techniques is on ongoing process so I'd encourage you to continue to work with bigrat and Mt on overall concepts and begin some basic merge work. One thing I did notice was the lack of flap and throttle use. Thats a big part of flying the hog well...

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