I totally agree with you Bipolar. I'm a hardliner on this issue. The odd occasional warp it happens, this is the internet, nothing we can do about those.
Some players are just beyond all help, it is these we need to target with the big boot stick. What makes me
are the guys who know dam well they are lagging all over but continue to fly into the fight with that knowledge. I've even had some back chat after politely asking them to reboot.
I mean some are probably on a shared connection with 5 other computers peering torrents whilst trying to play and god knows what else. It is very much like pissing in my cornflakes when I'm in a furball and someone is doing the star trek twlight zone warpage.
Spektor was a bad one for me because he is a good kid and a decent enough pilot. I remember fighting him me f6f and him in a spit 16. I would be on his 6 one minute then he could 180 around and behind. I would scissor and regain advantage and then rinse repeat it was madness not knowing where to position myself. Since then we have got to know each other better, he plays on satellite and there are no other means to connect to the internet for him until he moves. He can see others fine though because his downstream isn't that bad.
ROODALF was another good one his 190 would be able to accelerate at warp speeds and you could be in a faster plane on the deck chasing him whilst he raced off into the sunset going away from you.
A solution for me is to have a .reportlag dot command. yes it could be abused but it will point skuzzy towards the players who really have suspect connections more often than not.