Author Topic: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes  (Read 4121 times)

Offline Ardy123

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30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« on: January 08, 2010, 04:30:41 PM »
Last night, I shot a p47 with a 30mm cannon and nothing happened. Subsequently, someone else shot the plane down and I got the kill but I thought it was weird...
Also, it has been mentioned before but sometimes when hitting Spit16 and 9s with the 30mm, nothing happens or at most a fuel leak happens.

I failed to film it but next time it happens I'll provide film

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Offline sunfan1121

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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2010, 04:38:19 PM »
HTC doesn't care about this bug.
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Offline curry1

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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2010, 04:40:35 PM »
Im Sure that not every single plane hit with a 30mm will not automatically die.  For example the german cannon rounds, a lot of the time went through a hurricane's tail section causing minimal damage.
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Offline mensa180

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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2010, 01:08:11 PM »
I'm wondering if the 'explosion' from the 30mm caused an equal distribution of 'damage points' across multiple parts on the plane, not enough to bring any one part down, but enough that when totaled together you still get the kill?  A probably incorrect guess but whatever.
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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2010, 09:32:14 PM »
Ok, how about a 37mm round. I was flying with some guys and they were flying P-39Qs and they hit planes several times with that cannon and got nothing.

This game has some serious flaws and they seem to be increasing.
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Offline AWwrgwy

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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2010, 11:45:13 AM »
Ok, how about a 37mm round. I was flying with some guys and they were flying P-39Qs and they hit planes several times with that cannon and got nothing.

This game has some serious flaws and they seem to be increasing.

Impossible in that you cannot hit anything with the 37mm in the P-39.


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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2010, 01:19:31 PM »
AWwrgwy makes a rather valid point about that setup..........


So many variables are taken into account when computing damage.  The first, and certainly most foremost thing.......  Is it strictly cannon fire or are you sprinkling 50's or .303's in with them?  Sprites are NOT a direct reflection on how many or what kind of hits are received.

The damage model, as mensa180 points out, is a big question mark.  Landing on the fuselage might be damaging 14 different parts and thus lowering the lethality.

Plus in the given example.........  It's a JugThunderbolts eat 30mm for breakfast.

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Offline chewie86

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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2010, 01:28:05 PM »
Last night, I shot a p47 with a 30mm cannon and nothing happened. Subsequently, someone else shot the plane down and I got the kill but I thought it was weird...
Also, it has been mentioned before but sometimes when hitting Spit16 and 9s with the 30mm, nothing happens or at most a fuel leak happens.

I failed to film it but next time it happens I'll provide film


if it was a D11... several months ago I took a 30 mm from a K4 while flying a D11, bad damage sustained, 2nd hit I couldn't survive.

I also remember a spit8 taking a field gun hit once from D400, I waited for the lag stuff to blow him up ....and waited ... and waited, when he was at 2.5k+ out I lost the hope to achieve the kill  :lol  -- was the weirdest and funniest thing ever seen.   :rofl

edit: errata corrige: the funniest thing was looking at my ultra-drunk squaddie trying to land a badly damaged B25 on a port while he was screaming on TS trying to line her up under friendly fire.  :rofl   wtfg Tech
« Last Edit: January 11, 2010, 01:33:57 PM by chewie86 »
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Offline Boozeman

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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2010, 07:27:15 AM »
Ok, how about a 37mm round. I was flying with some guys and they were flying P-39Qs and they hit planes several times with that cannon and got nothing.

As a frequent P-39 driver I can assure you that when a 37 mm hit a fighter, it's toast.
But against bombers it's a very different story. Somehow the 37 mm looses it's teeth against buffs, even on smaller parts. 

Offline JunkyII

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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2010, 09:45:16 AM »
HTC doesn't care about this bug.
I would like to hear an answer about this from them, the other 30mm thread was what 40 pages long without 1 reply by an HTC staff member. Before my break I was hitting alot of different planes with 30mm and they werent going down, KI61s, P40s, P51, F4U(these pissed me off alot) it isnt just spits anymore :salute
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Offline RTHolmes

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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2010, 09:55:31 AM »
the jug is tough as old boots, depends where the 30mm lands as to whether you'll fly away from it. usually you dont.

cmon guys this is the interweb, you know how it works: without film it didnt happen ...
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Offline JunkyII

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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2010, 10:03:12 AM »
the jug is tough as old boots, depends where the 30mm lands as to whether you'll fly away from it. usually you dont.

cmon guys this is the interweb, you know how it works: without film it didnt happen ...
My tator dud films dont work anymore(the ones I have) :frown:
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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2010, 10:07:01 AM »
yeah most of my old films just crash the viewer now :(
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Offline Boozeman

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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2010, 08:39:39 AM »
Here is a film on the rather pathetic hitting power of the 37 mm M4 againt bombers:

37 mm vs. Lanc

1. hit: right wing root. no further damage. Sorry, but at least the flaps in that area should have been toast on the first hit.
2. hit: left h-stab. it just looses the attached rudder. Seriously, a 37 mm blast should have removed the entire h-stab, and possibly the left elevator too.
3. hit: right wing root. roughly the same location as hit one. Now the flap is gone, but I think with that hit, the wing should have come off completely.
4. hit: left inner engine. enigne (or fuel tank) catches fire. I'm ok with that.
5. hit: left wing middle. no further effect. not even flap damage, quite similar to hit 1.
6. hit: left inner engine: second direct hit. this engine shoube be frikin' dead now, but still runs like a champ. at least the flap comes off though.

Now, at last, the right wing comes off, most likely due to fire damage.

So let me summarize:
6 hits from probably the strongest or 2nd strongest a2a round in the game. 2 times 2 hits placed in the same area, with only minor damage (flaps)
Direct hits in weak components, like h-stab and engine, with little to no effect. Very underwhelming for a round that takes out an entire P-47 wing without breaking sweat, or completly blows a fighter apart. The only somewhat resonable effect was the round that lit up the plane, can't tell if it was the engine or fuel tank though.

In my opinion, the results should have been more like this:

1. hit: right wing root. flaps come off on first hit, not the second.
2. hit: left h-stab. the entire h-stab removed and possibly the left elevator too.
3. hit: right wing root. roughly the same location as hit one. Wing failure, game over.


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Re: 30mm cannon not always damaging planes
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2010, 02:16:31 PM »
HTC doesn't care about this bug.

Let's ask Hitech to use the new WW1 arena as a test bed for an improved damage model.   :neener: