its all in what you want out of the game, i personally love the AVA. i like the planesets, the match-ups and the players, some players not so much, but thats the nature of the game. if you want to learn how to fly well, the AVA is the place, if you want to just dive in and BNZ everyone in your gunsite and get a kill or 2, the MA's are for you.
the Biggest problem with the AVA is a better player will beat you over and over again. without the diversity of so many different players like the blue or orange arena, you get tired of seeing the same name kill you and that gets old quick.
more players always make it a better place, but the numbers are always lower. its a fun place to play, and a good place to learn. the DA is nice but the "kill everything attitude" rules the place. i much prefer the " i'm gonna get on your six first and then kill you" attitude of the AVA. the AVA is nothing like the DA not should it be considered at all as such.
everyone has the opportunity to make it what they want and get out of it what they like. I like the more fair play of the AVA.
thats my story and im sticking to it!
which is a very disturbing sight... to see a luftwabble in a parachute in leather underpants that is...
whats a matter with leather underpants?? they're very comfortable!!