LOL and yet no mac user was affected. Guess why? Too few of them to bother attacking.
Are you talking mac malware in general, the dns hijack or the article you linked too?
Because mac malware in general there IS an operational botnet of infected mac's. DNS hijacks affect mac's, OS is irrelevant. Last one well if its windows malware of course not.
No near-automatic backup setup for windows like time machine has offered mac for ages.
There are several solutions available that are superior to time machine, range in price, features, and have been out longer than time machines. Google CDP.
And funnily enough if all your mac user needs to do is reset his computer after it's been running how long, 100+ days without restart?
I do that with my laptop all the time. Plus there's another guy in our office still having constant issues with the Snow Leopard DNS problem (like this: ) <-- oh and note apple forums with plenty of problems.
Every mac professional I work with agrees (I work with people who work with the likes of the guys that did the animation for Avatar in case you're wondering), no OS is totally secure, and most mac users are overly complacent about security to the point of it being dangerous.
If you like your mac, cool, but don't tell me how bad windows is because I like it and I know the grass ain't as green as people make out on the mac.