The OP has a valid statement on the issue. Voicing one's opinion about it is not lame. His post was to the point and without rude flaming comments.
It is, in fact this very kind of issue that many, many players in this game attempt to correct by informing those who perhaps do not realize what they are doing.
Although he's me squaddie, and I like heem ahight! Agent is spot on here!
I remember when I first started, and the "rush to get the kill before the other 9 greens get him" mentality was the rule of the day with me....
and then one time I was flying over the water to an enemy base, and there was this green fella fighting this red fella...and I dove in.... in my typhoon... and disintegrated the red guy right in front of the greens face.... out of nowhere I hear the green fella say, "Geesh, I had been fighting that guy for 10 minutes, why did you do that?" I didn't know why I did it. He said, "geesh newbs are so annoying" or something close to that.. and I felt genuinely bad about doing that... he made a point, even though I didn't understand why... The green guy was JB42. Later, after I started learning some acm's and consequently started really enjoying the challenge of testing my skills against a foe, I truly understood just how rude I was.... flying along, just 3 players in sight..... me, JB42, and the red fella, and I got the kill that he worked for...and in such a fashion as to leave me feeling cheap, like a thief, or a liar, in my comp chair, by myself, playing an online game.... it still stands out as a turning point of how I viewed the game. At any rate, it shows better teamwork to communicate with friendlies, and encourage them to be better(hard to do that when you can't even afford them the courtesy of finishing their own fight). If one lets themselves get so caught up in the red vs green, us vs them, at all cost.... we forget that not only are we stealing an opportunity from a friendly to have a good fight, we also steal that from the other community member that just so happens to be red... and yes, I have left fights alone and the red guy won, so I swooped down and splashed them...many times the greeny will thank me for letting him finish his fight(even though he lost)... the war will always be there, the scoring system's not going anywhere either, and there will be plenty of time for you to get your name in lights landing kills you did absolutely nothing to deserve, but butt in a fight and pull a trigger!
<S> Blooz