It's not that I don't want it to be weathered. There's just a different way to weather it. Making the paint corroded or blackened just doesn't look right. I'm more for a dirt/grime/stains type of weathering on this plane, than I am for "the paint is old" style of weathering.
Don't take this as an insult, just a discussion on 152 weathering. I hold your work in high esteem in general.
Just for example, some Ta152s during the war:
You see the paint/mottling is fairly steady on the upper surfaces. The lowers are a bit less-so, but this looks more like stains and such than paint issues (see the stain on the flaps just about where the wheels might kick up dirt, or possibly where hydraulics leaked backwards from the gear joint onto the flap? See the drips downward from the exhausts on the chin panel, looks like he leaked a bit!)
Green 4. You can see the deliberate mottling patterns to obscure the sides. These aren't faded and dirty, just painted in a specific way. See the repainted tail area. Again, fairly consistent paint quality. Note again the grime/muck underneath, but also note that the airframe is generally clean (see the shine underneath the wingtip, the gear doors, etc -- looks like only the leaks/stains are the dirty areas)
Swinging the compass:
Possibly an H-0, but as you can see there's a criss-cross pattern on the mottling that from a distance may look dirty, smoky, muddy, but is more of a deliberate paint pattern. They mottled the sides for camo, rather than left them so dirty it just became camoflagued. Much cleaner sides and undersurfaces (oddly enough, the black box around the exhausts reminds me of JG2's 109s and some 190D-9s later).
An earlier prototype or a 152C model (note the short-span wings) you can see how this one is late-war because of the unpainted parts of the lower wing (like some Doras). Note that it's got leakage under the exhausts (looks a bit stained there) and the giant exhaust plume stains, but overall is in good paint condition.
Just some food for thought. The paint just didn't break down that fast in the 1-2 months these planes were around. (IMO)