One must also realize that they need to take into account the fact "Boyd's - Aerial Attack Study" Document is from a time of "Jet Propulsion Fighters" to where we are working with "Prop driven Fighters" in Aces High ( and same for WWII ).......
a Jet has it's Best Thrust/Speed/E when it is closer to it's Corner Velocity area of the Jet's Performance Envelope......
to where as a Prop Driven WWII Fighter will have it's most/Top thrust/Power attained when it is at it's Stall Speed of the Performace Envelope.....
one can use "No Guts No Glory" News Letter from the mid 1940's.......
one can use "Boyd's - Aerial Attack Study" Document from the early/mid 1960's
one can use "Robert Shaw's "Fighter Combat Tactics & Maneuvering" Book 1985
all of these will give good information on how to use tactics, counter tactics, etc..... but in doing so you must take note that for especially the last 2 documents mentioned ( Boyd & Shaw ) that they are basing most of their writing off of Jet AirCraft.....
now I, personally, have been able to use and have seen those "internal talked about tactics" used in Aces High, AirWarrior, WarBirds, FighterAce, IL2, Traget Rabual/Target Korea <--by TargetWare, 1942, CombatFighter, Janes Series, etc.....
usually fights are struggles over either position or energy but great fighter pilots know that they are the two edges of the same sword, that both are lethal and that you can't really exploit one fully without giving up the other a bit. the pilot who can exert his will, change his goals, and then reassert his dominance where his best advantage lies at that moment, will be difficult to defeat in ACM.
I agree to this, and this is ever so present in Aces High and in other Flight sims of this genre......
this is where the games fail, as advantages and disadvantages tend to be too great, and limitations to broad to fully explore ACM as they do in the real world ...
I disagree with this almost completely......., but have to add, this is only partially true to a point, the point being that the only difference in advantages and disadvantages tending to be too great, is in the knowledge and experience of the (2) players flying against each other...... I do not see and have not seen any limitations that keep one from fully exploring ACM as is done in the real world..... I see it exactly the opposite...... One can fully explore the complete realm of BFM & ACM here in these flight sims more so than they could in the Real World..... that is where the game excels and the Real World fails...... for to do so in the real world would be too risky of making a mistake and ending up dead......
after all, is that not why the US Military ( USN, USMC, USAF etc...) have million dollar Flight Simulators built in the first place? so they can fully explore the complete boundarys of BFM/ACM before they ever let a Pilot to even enter the cockpit and take off in a Real Fighter?
my view /opinion anyhows.....