For years the toolshedders have told the furballers, "If you want to furball you have the DA". The toolshedders have tried to relegate us to one small portion of one arena.
Exactly. If we don't want to play their game, we should go to a small corner of the DA, with no varied terrain features, with only 3 bases. The canyons, hills, trees, buildings, mountains and room to spread out amongst, say 6 bases like in WW1, those are not for us. After all, THEIR game is the only one that matters.
As I said and as the war-winnahs have shown in this thread, they are the most intolerant group in the game.
First we just want barrage balloons to generate dogfights. Because it's SO hard to find a fight in there now.
Of course, people will defend the balloon because they have absolutely no effect on the arena...oh, wait...we'll have to change that. We need to somehow make balloons important so that people will defend them instead of just going out and finding a fight somewhere. That way other players can hover a few thousand feet above the balloons and have an advantage when the other players come to the strategically important balloons.
Because, you know, announcing on common channel that you're going out into no man's land at 5k looking for some 1 v 1 just isn't working right now, is it?
Now, I think I'll move along, since HT clearly has the situation well in hand.
I doubt the whines will stop though. Poor HT.