Hello Rufusleaking,
I am being nice, but you must admit that someone over there in the CJ's helped create some bad blood with the Pigs. You are one of the few gents in that crew that I have found to be a decent fellow.

Regarding the mass report and exchanges that lead up to it, I have no first hand knowledge. It sounds like parties on both sides overreacted.
I recall my own overreaction to some POTW posts a while back. It was an epiphany when I defended a base with some Pigs and you all turned out to be reasonable guys. In game, people tend to be less abrasive than on these boards. It takes some effort, but I try to be less of a flamer now.
As can be seen by a few of the above posts, there is a clique of self appointed guardians of the flame that will never be reasonable. I envision them as the Omegas in Animal House.
There are more than a few decent people in the CJs, by the way.
Here’s to enjoying this game, WW2 aerial combat and strategy, all things aviation, history in general, and some good (at times) humor.