Didn't take long for it to get old.
thndregg ,
May I ask what the "it" was that got old?
Do you really think it is just the plane genre? Is a WWI plane fundementally no fun to fly? Is a close quarter knife fight with wood and canvas, by its nature, boring?
Thought experiment....
If the WWII arena was constrained and configured exactly like the WWI arena is now, say Pony, Spit, 109, ME110, static pair of fields, essientially 2 country straight line battle, no strat, no perk rides, no GVs, no carriers, no bombs, no rockets, no field capture, no clouds, no missions, no reason to do anything other than up, fly straight into the meat-grinder, kill-die-reup and do it again......would it still be fundementally more fun just because the planes go 300mph instead of 100mph?
Do you think its simply the additional horsepower that makes the difference, or its all the other factors of a rich gaming enviroment that maintain interest, and keep "it" from getting old?
If it is purely the extra 200mph that is the sole factor, would HTC be willing to remove all those other distractions from the WWII MA for say 6 months as a test? They'll still have the speed.