I.E. "Telling HTC how to run their business..."
Yes, that’s what I’m doing, I know. But I mean well.
I’m beginning to think (as some other have already suggested) that both WWI and WWII need both a “Strat Arena” and a “Furball Only Arena” each.
I think the argument between furballers and strat dweebs has gone on forever for the very fact that each side has good, legitimate arguments. They are both right, and both wrong. It seems maybe the best answer is to have one flavour for each genre.
WWII has the current MA with strat enabled. That has its place. It should also have a Furball Arena similar to WWI but with a 3 field arrangement like DA furball lake. Take the furball lake out of the DA, as that was a kludge, and give it its own proper furball arena. Then the DA will be for, well, duelling.
Similarly, WWI should have a strat (in some form) enabled arena. Many players are losing interest because diving into the same meat-grinder over and over and over with no purpose, goal, or mission or variety gets old eventually. However, the WWI furball arena has its uses and should still be kept as well. There are some who find that all they need, or who are short on time and just need a quick hop or two.
The WWI planes, sounds, flight model, damage model all fully exceed my original expectations. I just feel like the current arena design tragically fails to show them off to their fullest potential. It’s like giving someone a Porche but them telling them they are only allowed to drive it around in the school parking lot and never take it out on the road. I mean, it’s still a Porche, but its not being allowed to be the Porche it has the potential to be. There are so many times you can go around a circle in a parking lot before even a Porche becomes boring.
If the argument is that all the WWI flyers should want is a simple furball arena and be satisfied with that and nothing more, then the same argument should be made for the WWII MA arenas. Remove the current WWII strat arenas and only provide an early, mid, and late ware furball arena. If that type of game play should be sufficient to satisfy the WWI crowd, it should sure be enough to satisfy the WWII players as well.
If anyone feels the WWII population would not be satisfied with that limited type of game play for long, then you should question why the WWI players should.
These comments are offered in good faith to help HTC get a feel for what their customers would like to see. They are made with the utmost respect for the effort and work they have put into the WWI toys we already have.