Author Topic: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........  (Read 5942 times)

Offline trax1

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #60 on: April 21, 2010, 04:04:23 PM »
shuffler still around?  Haven't seen him posting since WW1 came out...........
Yeah he just posted in the O'Club today.
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Offline Dadsguns

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #61 on: April 21, 2010, 04:18:02 PM »
WWhiskey, what I am about to say isn't directed towards you personally, but to the individuals that was doing what I saw, I was in MW for only two days checking it out and was rather disgusted with it pretty fast.  
I find it hard to believe that you are attempting to defend the lame gameplay that I saw as someone else "whining" about it, when in fact its what they do that is hampering other players so called fun, probably not good for business and surely not good for the game overall.  

If I was new to this game and seen the crap that was going on, it would have made me leave in an instant, since even a new person would not be able to contend or know what to do against that and would surely be turned off by it as I have.  This should be up shortly.

First off, dadsguns, if you want me to watch a film, try to post it somewhere that i don't have to buy something to watch it with, try U tube, that's were i post mine, that's so it is easy for you to watch!
i would imagine it is a good one, but i don't want to get my computer infected with whatever they are selling on that sight!
 we always play knights, we hardly ever change, and i really think it is pretty pathetic that those who oppose us think they need to change sides in order to do so! just up and go fly around one of our bases and see what happens!
it is a game of mine to make you change sides, just to laugh at you for falling for it!   stick to a side, find some friends, put up a fight, stop whining!!
 if you guys put half the effort into fighting that you do on all channel, 200, or in here,   we wouldn't even be having this conversation!
When you decide how i am going to play, be sure to send my $15  with the orders!

First off, they didn't get anyone but 1 guy to change sides and that was much later.  
Whats pathetic, you imply that "those who oppose us think they need to change sides" did so on their own free will like they have nothing better else to do but swap sides all day, when in fact its what they have to do when there is nothing but 1 person on that side and 0 on the other, since you chose to attack a side with 0 players and force the guy to change sides to get a fight, once he does that you know that you have an hour to get back to the lame crap of NOE'ing the undefended side.

Just to refresh your memory, when I logged on there were 2 Bish, 0 rooks, and the 6 or more of them on knits, Rolling Rook bases since there wasn't anyone there to defend them, I switched to rook and attempted a fight and was even hoed in a 4vs1 by them, never did I complain about getting hoed, rather expected from inferior players(if they are willing to do what I observed, how tough can they be?) , I got few here and there, but for the most part it was just a gang/ho fest. Once we got the numbers almost even, and they started getting their arses handed to them, they vanished.
The mini horde went and attacked the bish which had 1 Bish which was fighting 1 other rook on their front, as they even called out that they were going after undefended bish bases now.  They stole a couple of bish bases till they finally was worried about the bases they horded earlier and returned with even more knits.  It came down to the 2 rooks that were there and the 9 or more knits that were rolling bases again.  That is where this film came from.

so its my fault you got tricked into switching sides?
do me a favor, next time you log into mid war, count the bases, see who has the most and who has the least, then join the side that is left because that's were the fight is going! we take bases equally, up to a point,33.3% to be exact, learn how the game itself works!
 oh and please up a tank!!!! please please please, the biggest gripe i have in mid is the lack of any tanks to shoot at anymore!
It is however my fault, i should have looked over to the left of your post  2010, are you serious?? are you for real?  I am not even sure I know who you are!

I personally like it when the knights are outnumbered!!! many more targets to kill!!! I would much rather fly and fight than take bases but that gets pretty boring after a while,I have been flying in late war lately because of the numbers of knights on in mid being to high, i will not switch sides so i have no choice but to except it or go somewhere else,   like biggamer said we ain't just gonna set in the tower waiting for someone to show up! :airplane:

With everyone that was there and seen the same thing that I seen, you cant be defending that lame gameplay?  Completely ignoring a side that has at least a few to defend it, to NOE a side that has 0 players on it.  
Your right, its your 15 bucks, but when someone says its lame to do that, its our 15 bucks as well.   I think everyone knows exactly what goes on in there, its just unbelievable that someone does not think that its not good for business and good for the game and more importantly others that pay their 15 bucks as well.

Good luck with that.

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Offline Bronk

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #62 on: April 21, 2010, 04:52:49 PM »
Well , well, well, my how the worm turns. Dads it appears you and I may have gotten off on the wrong foot. :D
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Offline grumpy37

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #63 on: April 21, 2010, 04:54:34 PM »
I love you dad.... :rock
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #64 on: April 21, 2010, 05:03:55 PM »
Seems like a solution is to bring some help. How many in your squad?

Offline WWhiskey

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #65 on: April 21, 2010, 05:18:03 PM »
It was a good film, we were nice in that we didn't take down the fighter and bomber hangers down!
I will have to talk to the others about that!! :noid
 I am surprised you didn't get some kills,I would have had a hayday!

We defend against this type of attack any time we are presented with it!

I personally would have upped a jug or 110 and gotten as many lancs as i could have, laughing all the way!!! I guess that's just the difference between the way i play and the way you play!
As for the other players in my squad, i cannot and or will not tell them how to play or what to do, we plan missions and we carry them out, we are relatively good at what we do, that mission probably would not have worked out if there was a good defense of that base!we had no fighter cap, the goon and m-3 was late, plenty of time for someone to vulch either one!
 calling our play lame because the other side couldn't defend against it is just weird!
 we take the bases we need, if we can, it makes no matter if they are defended or not.

As far as taking it personally, I do, they are my friends, I don't call your friends lame,             
your strategy did not work, sorry, but don't let me tell you how to play!

I hope that the arena will become more populated as time goes by, I welcome any and all that wish to play with or against us, there seems to be more interest in it as of late than before, partly because of this thread, THANKS!!! we don't roll maps because we like to do it, we do it because there is nothing else to do until more players show up, then the fun and the fights begin!
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Offline Heretic

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #66 on: April 21, 2010, 05:51:13 PM »
Not real hard to plan missions against undefended bases.....I can hear it now!    I got the goon..No I want the goon.... I need the captures so I can lower my bomber score and everyone will think I'm elite! Biggamer you take Lancs because you are so good at Lancstukaing the town as well as Ausmith.   If anyone should up to defend make sure everyone in HoIcanines Ho's them and not give them a chance to get to the town.   

Yeah your right it is your $15.  But my God man, when I log on to defend I get HO'd,Lancstukaed,or ganged.  Actually VF15 your celebrities now with all of this attention.  Enjoy the fame boys. 

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #67 on: April 21, 2010, 07:43:26 PM »
What has always cracked me up is they thump their chests like they have accomplished some great thing by taking a base with 7-2 odds.  There is no point in even taking off when that type of horde is attacking.  Even if you get off the ground you just get picked off by one of the circling vulchers. I have seen time and time again that as soon as any type of defense is put up and a few nits happen to die they all pack up and move to another base thats less deffended or not at all.  They all can sit here defend their lame excuse of play but when it comes down to it they cant handle a fair fight nor do they stick around for one.  When they cant horde to pad the score or just make themselves feel special they log off or go the MA where we all get ganged on.  Ive been playing this game on and off since AH1 way back in the day and ive never seen anything like this.  It does/has pushed players out of the arena for the simple fact you cant get decent fights there anymore.  Ive been going to the MA myself more recently and though i miss the days of the small 10 on 10 or similar at least there are people in that arena to play with and with those numbers you expect to get ganged and picked.
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

Offline Banshee7

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #68 on: April 21, 2010, 08:16:44 PM »
Does anyone else see the irony in this thread?
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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #69 on: April 21, 2010, 08:18:34 PM »
i like pushing buttons....
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

Offline Yeager

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #70 on: April 21, 2010, 08:19:31 PM »
Not real hard to plan missions against undefended bases.....I can hear it now!    I got the goon..No I want the goon.... I need the captures so I can lower my bomber score and everyone will think I'm elite! Biggamer you take Lancs because you are so good at Lancstukaing the town as well as Ausmith.   If anyone should up to defend make sure everyone in HoIcanines Ho's them and not give them a chance to get to the town.   

Yeah your right it is your $15.  But my God man, when I log on to defend I get HO'd,Lancstukaed,or ganged.  Actually VF15 your celebrities now with all of this attention.  Enjoy the fame boys. 

I love it when they do that :)  They usually will get the base when its just me going up against them but I always make them bleed thing I would never do however is come on to this board and lay down a sad pathetic excuse of a whine like you have done here.  I mean COME ON MAN!  at least TRY to make your own fun rather than have someone constantly have to make it for you.....
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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #71 on: April 21, 2010, 08:23:42 PM »
Does anyone else see the irony in this thread?
oh yeah  :lol :aok
Lighten up Francis

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #72 on: April 21, 2010, 08:46:05 PM »
Pluto's even called me a dweeb and repeatedly a hacker before. He even threatened to call Skuzzy personally and have me kicked out.

Sad.... Because even I, in my humble skills (nothing impressive) wiped the floor with him for hours on end once in EW and he cried foul every time. Got it all on film. Sent the film in to report him, afterwards.

Pluto LOL, I was flyin along at about 9K in EW or MW one day and here comes Pluto in a 15K Hurri :huh Proceeds to BnZ for several mins. After I got him Co-alt Co-E he dives to the deck straight towards home. I chase him a sector to his Town ack and pull off and head away. He Types to me "Pretty even fight we'll call it a Stalemate" :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl <<--My Favorite Band

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Offline Banshee7

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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #73 on: April 21, 2010, 10:31:48 PM »
oh yeah  :lol :aok

Just making sure I wasn't the only one
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Re: MW has taken the cake and ate it too........
« Reply #74 on: April 21, 2010, 10:53:14 PM »
It was a good film, we were nice in that we didn't take down the fighter and bomber hangers down!
I will have to talk to the others about that!! :noid
 I am surprised you didn't get some kills,I would have had a hayday!

We defend against this type of attack any time we are presented with it!

I personally would have upped a jug or 110 and gotten as many lancs as i could have, laughing all the way!!! I guess that's just the difference between the way i play and the way you play!
As for the other players in my squad, i cannot and or will not tell them how to play or what to do, we plan missions and we carry them out, we are relatively good at what we do, that mission probably would not have worked out if there was a good defense of that base!we had no fighter cap, the goon and m-3 was late, plenty of time for someone to vulch either one!
 calling our play lame because the other side couldn't defend against it is just weird!
 we take the bases we need, if we can, it makes no matter if they are defended or not.

As far as taking it personally, I do, they are my friends, I don't call your friends lame,             
your strategy did not work, sorry, but don't let me tell you how to play!

I hope that the arena will become more populated as time goes by, I welcome any and all that wish to play with or against us, there seems to be more interest in it as of late than before, partly because of this thread, THANKS!!! we don't roll maps because we like to do it, we do it because there is nothing else to do until more players show up, then the fun and the fights begin!

i'll pre-empt this with this statement.

 i don't think anyone has the right to tell anyone else how to play in here. i don't fault anyone for having their fun. i also do not mean any of what follows in a bad way.

 i used to fly with you guys. i loved it. you're ALL fun to fly with. you're also ALL fun to fight against. and yes, unless something's changed, yes you DO roll bases, and from every impression i got, you all enjoy it. it's part of why i left the squad. i just wanted to fight, and not be with the large group rolling bases.
 i don't have an issue with you guys doing that though. it's what you all enjoy, and like you said, you're good at it. i liked y'all when i flew with ya, and if i ever get my arse back in the arenas again, i'll like y'all just the same, as you're tearin me up(which you're also good at) :rofl
 you, or any of them don't have to defend yourselves in that it's your version of fun.

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