Im glad to see more versions of the M4 being introduced as it made a significant impact, (at-least to the men that crew'd it).
However..., I worry that the VC Firefly will remain at its current perk price, and continue to un-balance gameplay.
I sincerly hope that this move to earlier versions of the M4 is being made in order to raise the Fireflys perk price, by offering an up-gunned Sherman that will fill the void bettween the A3 75mm, and the 76mm Firefly, and still keep the M4 competitive against the MKIV Panzers.
I think these additions (along with a more expensive Firefly) will definatly offset the numerical supperiority of the Firefly when factoring in perk price, and effectivness.
Most countrys had a super tank that had a VERY effective gun, and VERY good armor..., all of which where in service by the end of the war. (Tiger, M-26, and the Stalin tank come to mind)
The VC Firefly fits somwhere bettween these, and actual tank destroyers HISTORICALY..., yet its cheap availability assures that it will be seen in greater numbers in the MA, and it has unbalnced the game as mentiond before.
More versions of tanks, and correct assignment of perk price will level the field once again..., and im truly egstatic when I think what this means for the future of the ground game if implemented correctly.
You guys are drawing a fine line; and though it takes time to empliment, I realise that HT and the crew are doing thier best to further the game, and level the playing field.
Thank you for trying to bring some semblance of fairness to the ground game HT and crew... <S>