HT made the squads limited to 32 maybe he thinks that is around the number that is reasonable but certainly not all online at the same time.
My guess would be half that due to "not all online at the same time", so say 16. With good training and practice (which some say they do) may old squad could be counted on 80% hits with bombs, and 75% survivability of the players in the mission. With these numbers as a base I could figure which missions would work and which would not. I'll bet anything that most squads today couldn't maintain half those percentages, due to lack of training and practice, that is why they need 6 squads for a capture.
pitch, whenever the bish horde it isnt a multisquad horde. someone like ghi (not the only one, just an example cuz hes uber cool! ) ups a large mission idea and everyone goes with it because of the efficiency of base takes due to that mission. Not necessarily one squad. Actually me (582nd CO) and u2007 (joker's jokers) and xthecatx (pretty sure a joker also? ) made a small group one morning that took 25 bases in 4 hours around 7am to 11am EST. And also, the multi-squad thing usually happens when everyone actually gets COs together to work as one cohesive unit to take multiple targets at the same time such as the thread down below made by GREric about the MoM.
Sounds like your proud of that.
To me it sounds like you were milking a bunch of captures. I don't know, as I wasn't there so forgive me if you had to fight your way through more than 10 guys at each base for the capture. The point I'm trying to make here is it is unimportant how many base you capture, it is HOW you capture those bases that is. The reason base capture was added to the game was to create spots on the map where conflict would happen there by creating and opportunity for combat. Did you provide combat, or did you jump from one side of the map to the other NOEing undefended base after base?
I fell victim to the Claim Jumper's (Racdogg's) unscrupulous recruitment activity during the first 2-3 weeks of playing this game, almost 18 months ago, and have been a Claim Jumper ever since. As a result, I have no idea how things are done in other squads, but my observation of the Claim Jumpers is that Burv's supposition that the CJ's are helping new players with the ins and outs of the game is exactly right. We are constantly a training squadron.
Squads in Ah seem to me like electronics companies in the real world. Only the large companies actively recruit on campuses and go through the agony of training new engineers, while the small elite companies steal the best engineers away once they are trained, with benefits that the large companies can't afford to pay. Many squads in AH seem the same to me with highly restrictive recruiting requirements and small numbers, they seem arrogant and intolerant of others that they deem less capable.
However what I have learned from the many recent treads on these forums and the discussions that I have witnessed in the game, is it would serve the game better if I were to resign from the Claim Jumpers and just start switching sides regularly to rat out the missions of squads and give away the positions of enemy assets on channel 200.
Skuzzy, I am not at all sure this is an environment in which I am willing to continue to participate. Some players seem to be constantly communicating Claim Jumper activity to other countries and Claim Jumper bashing seems to be an acceptable activity both in the game and on the forums.
The CJ's earn that reputation by their actions. Look at it this way, lets say we are playing football ( that sissy American game
) I have my 11 players on the field, but you bring in 50 for each play. Even if my players are more skilled, your 50 are going to roll over them. What happens? It's no longer a game, but one team just crushing the other. It becomes an exercise in futility, why play? And is your team better? No, you may think you are but it's really full of holes, but your numbers covers all of them. This is the rep that the CJ's have earned. They are the "gang" that bullies the map when they get on. On the other hand if the CJ's went out of their way to work on never bringing more than 10 to a capture, but did 3 captures at the same time, there reputation would be one of skill, not ganging.
I'm not trying to say anything bad about the CJ's here, just commenting on the "rep" they seem to have and why it comes across that way. I'm not saying that they should change even, if thats the way they want to be perceived, more power to them, but they will have to put up wih the "bashing". After all it comes with the territory< maybe make it one of the rules of the squad..."Must be able to put up with bashing from the rest of the community"
To me there is nothing wrong with big squads, nor big communities... make it one big arena! The problem is how those big groups work. If a big squad made it a point to NEVER have a group bigger than a dozen hitting one place it would make things more "playable" for more people. The same holds true for the single arena idea. If the "horde" NEVER formed and people created more battle front instead of always joining the same single battle all the time I think we would still have only one LW arena.
Unfortunately it's human nature to seek out groups/numbers for protection. And, if you feel safe with 25 of your closest friends covering your back
whats the point in taking the time to improve your skills? Who needs practice when you have numbers !