It has been years since I've been to the WB3 forums, but when I was last there it was the same as it is here. People talking about what aircraft they want, which aircraft is porked (usually German ones) and how the game has gone to hell compared to the good old days.
As to the Alt-F4 thing, I would be perfectly happy if HiTech were to code it into the game that if one types any of the following: "alt-f4, Alt-f4, alt-F4, Alt-F4, ALT-F4, alt f4, Alt f4, alt F4, Alt F4, ALT F4" into the text buffer it dumps you to the desktop. More reasonably, perhaps they should be added to a text filter and blocked. The joke was juvenile to begin with and is only sad and pathetic now. If the new player is computer illiterate to not know what Alt-F4 does it will seem like the game is buggy and crashed to them. That joke does nobody any good.
Many of us have taken hours of our time to help new players when we bump into them and they are struggling.