I spent a decade in Warbirds before moving to Aces High. I was extremely involved in Warbirds in several different areas to the point it amounted to 20 hours a week of non-flying activity.
Aces High is a very similar product but has some key differences that make it much better.
Aces High is better but it isn't perfect.
My only major complaint about Aces High is community related.
Back in Warbirds (when i played, I can't answer for the last 5 years or so) dying was your own fault. Players took personal responsibility for their own failures.
Poor situational awareness was no excuse for getting killed and certainly was no reason to start abusing the guy who killed you on a text channel. There was no such thing as "picking", "gang banging", "kill stealing" or interrupting a 1 v 1 in a primary arena. Picking was poor SA on the part of the one picked. Getting into a fight with too many bandits for one to handle successfully was poor head work. "Kill Stealing" was better markmanship. And interrupting a 1 v 1 is the entire point of massively multiplayer online gaming. Of course there were some players who complained about those sorts of things but they were the minority and were quickly shouted down with choruses of "shut up and die like a man".
But I have reconciled myself to the fact that those days are gone forever. Personal responsibility is basically dead inside and outside of this game.
Why fight it?