SCTusk you are starting to change the discussion.
From the out set we stated we are speaking a general case not a specific case. You are now making assumptions that the plane can not fly coordinated and then really are changing the question to 3 questions.
1. Does non coordinated flight slow a turn.
We both agree yes.
2. Can a gyro produce enough force to be able to fly none coordinated.
A very plane specific question.
We would both agree that we can create a plane and condition that this is the case.
But these 2 questions are very very different then the statement a gyro makes your plane turn faster to the right. Which is the claim you made at the outset.
3. Exactly how and in what directions would this non coordination be in both left and right turns.
If the above is your premis, I have no desire to discuses the very plane specific items required for this.
If you believe a plane flying coordinated in a turn will turn more quickly right do to gyro torques , I will be happy to continue the discussion.
Also in this discussion if you arrive at only very minor force differences such as the different moment arms of the elevator and the rudder then again I have no desire because at this level of force many many other things must be considered and the precision we are starting to speak of no longer can be spoken of in a general since and would again be very plane specific.
Any way regardless of the above here is an analysis I have done of your post.
You would know the figures whereas I can only suggest that the maximum torque applicable with the elevators would significantly exceed the maximum torque applicable with the rudder. As the gyroscopic effect produces a torque equal to the inducing torque but at 90 degrees to it, this suggests that in hard turns the rudder would in fact not be capable of correcting the induced yaw from the initiating action of the elevators.
You have multiple premise problems here.
1. A gyro does not produce a torque = to the torque applied to it in a 90 deg direction. It only applies a % of torque that is calculated by rpm * moment and mass of the entire object. I assume one you think about it, this should be obvious, because other wish even a mass spinning 1 1 rpm would produce a torque 90 degrees to the applied torque.
2. The 2nd piece you are missing is that how much the rudder and elevator must applied are only = to each other at a 45deg bank. In all other case the amount required are related by a sin cos functions. As I stated earlier in a flat turn all elevator is needed, in a 90 deg bank all rudder is needed.
3. Using your argument you are stating you can not fly a max g loop with out skidding.
4. The forces need to generate the torques are very speed specific. So you could fly coordinated at one speed but slower you could not.
If you are turning to the left around a tree at tree height so that the tree is at the center of the turning circle and allow the aircraft to go nose high and yaw right it becomes immediately obvious that the aircraft is pointing more than 90 degrees away from the tree, therefore must move further away from it.
Think about what you just said, if the plane is continuing to move away from the center of a circle it can never return to the same point hence it is not flying circle.
Also note I am not saying that a thrust vector can not point out side the circle,and produce a force apposing the turn.Obviously if you allow the plane to slip it will turn slower, for many reasons not just the thrust vector. I am saying that if you are in a coordinated turn it will be in the same position regardless of gyro torques.
I am ignoring your torque sum.
If you do not believe that the sum of torques have to be 0, then we must back up and discuss this, because with out that premises we can not really begin. It is a basic technique used in problem solving and stems for the simple formula F = M * A, so if you are left with a torque or force after summing all torques and forces, the object MUST be accelerating in some direction or rotation.
The whole premise of your equations is based on a point on the line of lift above the centre of the turn circle, not on the centre itself
Your assumption would be completely false assume.
The core idea of simulation is very simple and is physics 101. You can take all torques and forces on any object and reduce them to 1 force vector and 1 torque attitude.
then F = m * a for both translation and rotation. Rinse repeat.
So thrust direction is very simple, what direction is the plane pointing, add thrust at the prop point in the direction the plane is pointing + any engine angle offsets.
And hence any portion of the thrust that is pointing out side the turn will oppose the horizontal component of lift. Note this same effect in a normally coordinated turn or slow flight adds to the lift vector.