I keep asking myself, since the terrain has been going through a recent update... Why are still farms and windmills standing sideways in the hillsides??
It doesn't affect my gameplay in any other way than a short roll with my eyes and perhaps a little headshake when I look down on a hill and see a silo standing straight out of the hill, but it would be nice if they rather weren't there?!
I understand that the terrain file is like a roll of carpet you buy at the store, you get the same pattern no matter if you put the carpet on the floor or on the wall..
But I would like to see buildings standing level, so if the terrain is not level there has to be a level spot for the buildings to stand on. And same thing goes for the trees, they usually stand upright even in a steep hillside.
But I will look away each time I see a farmhouse sideways in a hill if we get more lifelike clouds with shadowing and waterdroplets inside, and canopies with sunglare both from the inside and outside, not to speak of the sunny blink of a shiny 51 turning in the distance.. These are VERY good wishes indeed!