Once again, I never wished HTC for a "visual only updates" or to focus their effort from this point onwards entirely on visuals.
If HTC did implement a/some new visuals in the next update, I'm sure they would allow people with slower computers the option to scale back the settings for performance reasons. My 5 year old gaming system can still run the current version of Aces High maxed, other than smooth shadowing @ 70-100 FPS. So I'm sure people with a computer older then 1 year are going to be just fine. Unless they are gaming on a very slow laptop, which are not meant for gaming.
My P.C's performance in WoP is ridiculously good, the online numbers are only limited by the player hosted setup they currently have. If they implimented dedicated servers I'm sure we could see much, much more players in a single arena, which they are currently working on doing in the near future. So I'm sure Aces High will not buckle as an MMO if we get new sky textures.