Hopefully with the next version, we'll get early G production blocks that had the quad 20mm cannon weapon package, along with the ability to carry rockets (3.5 inch bazooka rockets) and carry torpedoes.
Quad 20's would need a perk tag, even if only a small one. It also means that it would need it's own model, unless HTC goes with a perk ords/gun system.
Only if they jam a lot. I was reading today that jamming was the reason the 20mm's were replaced with the 50 cal.
If you implement jamming, it will NEED to be implemented on ALL player controlled items. Why should only the quad 20 A-20 be affected by jamming? Either it get's it's own model with a perk tag, or there will be a perk ords/gun system.

I'm actually thinking HTC will go with the perk ords/gun system, as we are well aware that HTC will NOT model redundant variants (Sea Cane MkII and the F6F-3 come to mind).