Here are the most even match ups, assuming a 50/50 number split.
Open Terrain
German | Allied | Soviet
Panzer | M4A3(75)/(76)W* | T-34/76
Tiger I | Firefly | T-34/85**
Wooded Terrain
Panzer | M4A3(75)/(76)W* | T-34/76
Tiger I |Firefly/M4A3(76)W* | T-34/85**
* at a 2-1 ratio, respectively
** given a numbers advantage of 1.5
Firefly is at a disadvantage to the tiger in a fair fight. If the firefly gets the range faster than the tiger, he can still win; but if they get the range at the same time, or the tiger is faster, the firefly is screwed.
And the M4 would need a 3-1 numbers advantage in open terrain, not wooded. In wooded terrain, its whoever sees the other side first wins (M4 is olive drab, not the yellow-brown of the panzer). My advice would be to start a new topic when you use a new map, location on a map, or change the line up. Honestly, things can change from one spawn to the next. Some give a MASSIVE advantage to the defenders (V85 on the compello map, for example), where some give an advantage to the attackers (any where the spawn is uphill from the base/town).
And E25280, the M4A3(76) can COMPETE with the T-34/85, but is by no means its supperior or equal. Also, the T-34 has a paper turret, I've disabled one at 2700yds in one shot. At long range, the HVAP rounds are less effective than standard AP rounds, at med range the 76 can force a draw, and at close range the rule is whoever scores the first hit wins. T-34 has traverse speed (although not by a huge amount), and the M4 has ROF (again, not by any huge amount, but by enough to give it an edge): T-34 is more likely to fire first, but the M4 is more likely to score a hit first should they both miss.
The M4(76)'s gun also gives it a fighting chance against the firefly at close and lower-middle (out to 1300yds or so) range. Out past that, the likely hood of a one-shot kill or disabling shot drops below 40% for a good gunner (thats about all I'm willing to risk since the firefly WILL kill you at that range).