Author Topic: Is Leadership dead?  (Read 7874 times)

Offline fudgums

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2010, 07:35:33 PM »
None taken, i knew that from the beginning.
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Offline thorsim

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2010, 08:04:58 PM »
well i was not there because of TRW commitments but i had fun when i was there and think the drama is unfortunate but to be expected.  

you see, we care, some of us care a lot.  that causes us to have more than a casual response to the things that happen that we don't like and or decisions we disagree with.  

caring is good, and argument is not necessarily bad, however allowing things to give you a poor attitude, and or cause you to hold grudges or undermine others efforts is clearly counterproductive.
so it is a struggle to act positively on your interest yet restrain yourself from the negative consequences of what is   a fundamental requirement for a healthy community.

it is good to be able to butt heads with others on the boards and still feel confident relying on them in a virtual combat situation a few hours later.


all i had fun in all the frames i was able to attend

THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
Axis Co-Op
Quote from: any number of idiots here
blah blah Blah
Quote from: oldman
Good call.  Ignore the people who actually flew the real planes against each other.

Offline Kermit de frog

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2010, 04:12:05 AM »
To respond to your question posed:  When one side sits back and hoards up defensivly, who is the one not fighting?  From my perspective the Axis avoided fighting the Allies by adopting this tactic.

Kind of silly to sit back en mass waiting for an attack and then complain when your opponent decides to not take that fight and hits you somewhere else.

I would like to point out that many, if not all, of the tactics that were used by the Allies in this last Scenario were used by the Allies in Tunisia, which you were the Allied CO of.

In Tunisia you were obviously "in it to win it".
NOE hoards?  (check, you did that)
Sneak raids?  (check, you did that)
Avoiding fights? (check, you did that)
<I could go on>

Pot meet kettle.

The majority of your posts are just thinly (and some not so thin) veiled personal vendettas against Dantoo and BearKats, that for the life of me I don't understand and from my perspective not even reality based.  I have asked you in private (and public) to explain yourself.  You refused.

Reminds me of a story a squaddie has about you Frog.  The two of you agreed to fight 1 on 1 and went at it.  IIRC you were in the Tiffy and they were in a 109K.  He got an E advantage on you and was dancing on your head so you called in one of your squaddies to attack him.

When asked why you broke the 1 on 1 agreement your reply was basically; "you were not fighting the way I wanted you to".

Your posts says this to me:
The Axis were the ones avoiding the fight.
The Axis were the ones hording in this scenario.
I am a hypocrite since I as CO in Dawn of Battle Scenario used the same tactics as you did in TFB, while advocating your wrong doings.
I have a personal vendetta with BK and Dantoo that makes no logically sense to you and that I refuse to explain myself to you in private or in public.

Attack me in any direction you want, I believe I have a just cause and am immune to your deception.

You claim I as CO in Dawn of Battle was "in it to win it" is simply incorrect.  Every man on the allied side knew where my heart was at all times.  You claim I used the horde tactic in DoB, that is also incorrect.  In frames 3 and 4, after 2 frames of having Dantoo send the entire Luftwaffe to bomb the allied GVs at Kasserine, the allies did indeed combine all forces, relying on skill and responsibility to protect fellow GVers, not points.  Dantoo gave the allied fighter pilots a clear vision, that was to protect the GVers so they too could enjoy the scenario as the pilots did in frames 1 and 2.  We fought to fight, and to protect our fellow countrymen.  This experience is what we remember, not the score.

History has shown that if Dantoo's manipulation tactics are learned from, for the purpose of identifying and rejecting, little harm can come from him and his followers.  This is the reason why I choose to educate the community.  I leave it up to everyone to decide what to do with this information.  

Now WMLute, I ask again;
The XO/CO/CM on both sides already get together on the forums privately, why the need for another form of communication?
What is this belief of winning without fighting, in a game where fighting is winning?<---question goes to Lute, Dantoo & Bearkats.

I hope this discussion will be able to come to a solution in the end.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 04:46:00 AM by Kermit de frog »
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Offline Vudu15

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2010, 04:36:56 AM »
"No odds too great"

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Offline WMLute

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2010, 08:34:58 AM »
Attack me in any direction you want, I believe I have a just cause and am immune to your deception.
To respond to your question:  There is no point what so ever in the leadership communicating.  Who cares that both groups of Leadership have openly stated here in this thread that it would have been a good idea and they wish we did have meetings during the Scenario.

You of course are correct, and everybody else is wrong.  There is nothing more that I can say because you have it all "figured out" and just busted me.

You of course saw right through what is going on and saw that what I was REALLY wanting is a way for Dantoo and his evil minions to have a way to manipulate the other side during the Scenario.  I of course am nothing but a lackey for the great and all powerful Aussi and am merely his mouthpiece here trying to further his agenda of total dominance in Aces High.

I'm busted.  
You got me.  
We will have to try and hatch another master plan now as the Frog has thwarted us yet again.

Curse you O' Froggy one!

(off to the secret radio I have in the WidowMaker Pleasure Barn (tm) to make contact w/ my lord and master Dantoo and see what it is he wants me to do now...)
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Offline Wagger

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2010, 09:31:22 AM »
Planning tells us how to accomplish a mission.  Training gives us the ability to accomplish the mission when the plan fails.  Leaders know how to plan and train.  (unknown NCO/Leader)

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #36 on: June 05, 2010, 12:59:50 PM »
I'll say this.   If you commit the amount time to not only FLY, but accept a LEADERSHIP position in a Scenario and you DO NOT "play to win" have many screws loose.   Everyday flying?  I can careless.   But when you're tying up a Saturday from 3pm-whenever, to be blasé shows you must not have sacrificed either time with your kid(s), time with family, etc.   

If I fly in another Scenario and it isn't looking good, I'll "play to win" again.   
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #37 on: June 05, 2010, 01:29:58 PM »
I'll say this.   If you commit the amount time to not only FLY, but accept a LEADERSHIP position in a Scenario and you DO NOT "play to win" have many screws loose.   Everyday flying?  I can careless.   But when you're tying up a Saturday from 3pm-whenever, to be blasé shows you must not have sacrificed either time with your kid(s), time with family, etc.   

If I fly in another Scenario and it isn't looking good, I'll "play to win" again.   

K, it's best if you define 'win' when you say that as I think the issue is what 'winning' is in a scenario.

The last scenario I was lucky enough to fly, I won, even though my side lost on points. 
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Kermit de frog

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2010, 01:36:14 PM »
I'll say this.   If you commit the amount time to not only FLY, but accept a LEADERSHIP position in a Scenario and you DO NOT "play to win" have many screws loose.   Everyday flying?  I can careless.   But when you're tying up a Saturday from 3pm-whenever, to be blasé shows you must not have sacrificed either time with your kid(s), time with family, etc.    

If I fly in another Scenario and it isn't looking good, I'll "play to win" again.  

If this is what you choose to do, then so be it.    
At least you are unafraid to say what you truly believe in.  

“A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.”-Bruce Lee
Aim high, do your best and enjoy the ride.   :aok

If the enemy wishes to mass all of their planes for a last minute attack as their strategy, we will simply grow stronger with every minute they wait.  The longer they take to come up with a nicely worded response, the more time it allows us to understand ourselves.  Ultimately it matters not what your opponent does, but what you choose to do.  

Now WMLute, I ask once again;
The XO/CO/CM on both sides already get together on the forums privately, why the need for another form of communication?
What is this belief of winning without fighting, in a game where fighting is winning?<---question goes to Lute, Dantoo & Bearkats.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 01:56:57 PM by Kermit de frog »
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #39 on: June 05, 2010, 01:57:46 PM »
If this is what you choose to do, then so be it.    
At least you are unafraid to say what you truly believe in.  

“A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.”-Bruce Lee
Aim high, do your best and enjoy the ride.   :aok

If the enemy wishes to mass all of their planes for a last minute attack as their strategy, we will simply grow stronger with every minute they wait.  The longer they take to come up with a nicely worded response, the more time it allows us to understand ourselves.  Ultimately it matters not what your opponent does, but what you choose to do.  Thus, I chose to simply make that which is invisible, visible, whatever is evil, good, whatever is wrong, right, forever maintaining the balance for others to enjoy.

Now WMLute, I ask once again;
The XO/CO/CM on both sides already get together on the forums privately, why the need for another form of communication?
What is this belief of winning without fighting, in a game where fighting is winning?<---question goes to Lute, Dantoo & Bearkats.

Allies never "massed" anything.   I have film of no less than 60  109's/190's that had loitered too long and were slaughtered wholesale.  

I've always spoken my mind (it's why some have an issue with me), but I have an 8 year old son and a wife.   IDGAF about "points", etc.   If I'm detracting from that "family time", a "reward" makes it a little easier to justify.
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
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Offline Vudu15

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #40 on: June 05, 2010, 03:41:36 PM »
Starters the spit 14s and 16s typhoons and temps were attached at the hip for the first 2 or 3 frames I remember, don't know if this counts as massed but there wee a few of us.And because I was sittin there goin WTF are we doing with all of our southern fighters in one place.....And Masher if you need a justification to play aces high or its taking so much time that your family life is suffering, you might consider giving it up....just a suggestion sir.
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Offline WMLute

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #41 on: June 05, 2010, 04:03:29 PM »
Starters the spit 14s and 16s typhoons and temps were attached at the hip for the first 2 or 3 frames I remember, don't know if this counts as massed but there wee a few of us.And because I was sittin there goin WTF are we doing with all of our southern fighters in one place.....

There is a perfect example for ya' Frog.

I might add Vudu that were were OVER enemy territory and enemy bases just waiting for them.  We were about as aggressive as can be and the Axis just sat back and waited (not sure for what) and allowed it.

The reason you kept asking yourself "WTF are we doing" is because the Axis never responded as they should have.  The reason I had the groups paired or bunched as they were is because, if they chose to fight, the Axis could have easily fielded even odds, if not twice our numbers, and swept us off the map.

We went on the offensive each and every frame throughout each and ever frame.  We were VERY aggressive in our tactics.  We came out and dared ya's to come get us time and again.  Not over our territory, not over Neutral ground, but in Axis airspace over Axis bases.  Time and again we ranged into Axis territory about as far as the fuel limits of our rides would allow.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 04:05:28 PM by WMLute »
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Offline WMLute

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #42 on: June 05, 2010, 04:08:15 PM »
The XO/CO/CM on both sides already get together on the forums privately, why the need for another form of communication?
Asked and answered.
What is this belief of winning without fighting, in a game where fighting is winning?<---question goes to Lute, Dantoo & Bearkats.
Question is directed to the wrong leadership group.  We went looking for a fight in all four frames.  (see above post)
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
— George Patton

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Offline Kermit de frog

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #43 on: June 05, 2010, 04:11:57 PM »
Asked and answered.Question is directed to the wrong leadership group.  We went looking for a fight in all four frames.  (see above post)

Could you help me find your answers.  Possibly either restate them or simply use the quote feature on this forum.
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Offline WMLute

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #44 on: June 05, 2010, 04:25:56 PM »
The designer needs to be actively involved with both CO's in explaining the design and the reasoning of certain restrictions. The writeups can be vague which leaves alot of wiggle room to take advantage of things. I'm sure if they really wanted they could write bullet proof rules, but then the design becomes overly restrictive. It's true, Myself and my staff had an entirely different interpretation of what was meant of the design vs. the Allied perception. This in turn is what created the atmospheres of how the orders were percieved

Much can be lost or misinterpreted when just reading things.  Be it write ups or posts on the forum.

Holding a weekly meeting over TeamSpeak would go a long way in making sure that everybody is on the same page.

It is a lot easier to explain via voice than by posting back/forth.

I know I could talk with someone via TeamSpeak and clear up in 5 min what would take 2-3 pages of  text on the forum.

Much is lost both in intent and meaning when typed as opposed to verbally conversing.  There is a reason the President has the Red Phone in the Oval Office.  (hotline)

It astounds me that you are arguing against this.

I would now ask you a question.  Why are you against clear and open communication between the leadership and CM's?

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
— George Patton

Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit