I understand what BulletVI is trying to say though it would help if he provided more specificity (yes that's a word!). HT's responses to BulletVI, I can understand because HT know's what he's talking about. Some of you guys piling on however ....hmmmm
Your answer lies in understanding the following relationships and as they change with respect to time.
For an ACCELERATED climb (forward airspeed not constant) the forces along the direction of flight can be expressed as:
F = Thrust – Drag – Weight * sin (climb_angle)
Since weight = mass * gravity we can subsitute in the equation above thus becoming
F = Thrust - Drag - Mass * gravity * sin(climb_angle)
In your Tempest, A6M, Spit8 example you were focused on the effect of gravity. The greater the climb_angle, the greater the effect of weight / gravity on the overall forces. But that's only one of variables. Thrust and Drag play a part as well. Ignore them at your peril
. Be very careful of oversimplifying the dynamics because it will bite you in the butt.
Another way to look at an accelerated climb is this..
Specific Excess Power (Ps) = (T - D) / W * V = (change_in_alt + change_in_airspeed)
Hope that gets you on your way to understanding!
412th FS Braunco Mustangs