Well from my end it looked like a fun evening. Im not going to be dragged into a endless debate on the plane set. I stated my reasons for the selections I made. The strength of SEA setups and FSOs are that they are never the same event twice, even if you re ran an old one, variables always happen. Plane sets are like that too, sometimes a/c get left in the hangar and sometimes they get used. Ratios also can vary widely, as can # targets and the side ratios. Im not a flawless being, my setups are less-than-perfect, but I try and make them fun, and historical, and balanced. Its not as easy as you might think.
I will end this with a small point, I find it interesting that despite the fact its June-Aug 1944, nobody has mentioned the complete lack of P-51Ds? perhaps that was deliberate, perhaps that was also for balance? Tempest? more Spit 14s? Arados with formations?, if I wanted to just fill up one side with the uber rides to the hilt, beleive me I could have done it, but that was never my intent, and it never will be.
In any case <S>! cya all next week, and try to have some fun out there.
PS: Dont sweat the invasion Axis, its all just a big decoy, they are coming at Pas De Calais!