Wmaker, like I said I don't think it's a problem with the Brewster (but maybe

) but a difference between the older aircraft models and the newer ones. I am really looking forward to the full integration of the new damage model and all the possibilities that brings.
I agree about the differences between the models (and what happened in history vs how we use them in game). I just was making the point that the Brewsters use in events has to be balanced with it's performance (just like any other plane in Aces High).
Snaphook, I understand and agree with you to a point, but the Brewster was able to point its nose down and make up the speed difference between it and the A6M2 very easily.

It was very common to see the Brewsters with a slight altitude advantage (makes sense that they had alt being used in a defensive role), they would then go dose down, pick up speed, and merge co-alt in that FSO. I agree that the A6M2's were not always flown to their best strengths, but the Brewster was (in general) equal to the Zeke at altitude and could dive away when in trouble. The Zeke could not do the same.